Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, New characterizations of Composition operators between Bloch type spaces in the unit ball, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no. 3, 751-759. (SCI: CJ8TO)
上一条:Yu-Xia Liang, Chang-Jin Wang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Weighted composition operator from Zygmund space to Bloch space on the unit ball, Ann. Polon. Math. 114 (2015), no. 2, 101-114. (SCI: CR4WZ)
下一条:Ce-Zhong Tong, Cheng Yuan and Ze-Hua Zhou, Topological structures of derivative weighted composition operators on the Bergman space. Journal of Function Spaces, 2015(2015), Article ID 672385, 8 pages. (SCI: CX2QK)