Ce-Zhong Tong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Intertwining relations for Volterra operators on the Bergman space, Illinois J. Math. 57 (2013), no. 1, 195-211. (SCI: AN9QF)
上一条:Liang Zhang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjoint mixing weighted backward shifts on the space of all complex valued square summable sequences, J. Comput. Anal. Appl., 16(2014), no.4, 618-625. (SCI: 302KF)
下一条:Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Product equivalence of quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the harmonic Bergman space, Studia Math. 219 (2013), no. 2, 163-175. (SCI: AG6QJ )