- 教师名称:李兴
- 教师拼音名称:Li Xing
- 出生日期:1973-09-09
- 性别:男
- 职务:Dean Assistant , Associate Professor
- 学科:Fine art
- 职称:副教授
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Assistant professor of visual arts, Dean of software college of tianjin university, master tutor, Associate professor. Tianjin artists association, Member of tianjin youth art director of calligrapher's association, Vice director of art committee of tianjin animation association, The ministry of education of fine arts master thesis evaluation experts, The 13th national youth vocational skills contest judges.
- Micro animation and film competition,First prize
- The 15th western Tokyo public image festival (animation) friendship association award
- The children's program and domestic excellent animation award support project,third prize
- The bohai sea oil painting invitation exhibition bronze award
- The sixth national aesthetic education exhibition (animation) first prize
- The eighth youth fair in Tianjin gold award
- the 16th "stars award"Arts Exhibition silver award
- "Small station" theme animation competition (animation) gold award
- Excellence award at the Asian art fair
- the 15th "stars award"Painting Exhibition in Tianjin
- The seventh youth fair exhibition of Tianjin, bronze award
- 暂无内容
- 2000.9-2003.6 The Tianjin Acadimy of fine Arts oil painting 硕士学位 Master of Oil Painting
2003.7 -2019.12
|Yisaul Arts Department|School of Computer Software|院长助理、系主任|副教授