- 教师名称:李锵
- 教师拼音名称:Li Qiang
- 性别:男
- 学科:电路与系统
- 职称:教授
[16]Yan D, Li Q, Lin C W, et al. Clinical evaluation of duchenne muscular dystrophy severity using ultrasound small-window entropy imaging[J]. Entropy, 2020. (SCI三区,IF=2.74)
[17]Fang F, Fang J, Li Q, et al. Ultrasound assessment of hepatic steatosis by using the double Nakagami distribution: a feasibility study[J]. Diagnostics, 2020. (SCI四区,IF=3.99)
[18]Zhu C, Chang Y Z, Li Q. Accurate stereo matching based on weighted nonlocal aggregation for enhanced disparity refinement[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018. (SCI四区,IF=0.83)
[19]Zhang L, Li Q, Wang C Y, et al. Ultrasound single-phase CBE imaging for monitoring radiofrequency ablation[J]. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2018. (SCI二区,IF=3.75)
[20]Guan X, Du H, Li Q, et al. Combination of Window-Modulated Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging and Gaussian Approximation for Radiofrequency Ablation Monitoring: An In Vitro Study[J]. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2018. (SCI四区,IF=2.21)