

  • 教师拼音名称:Liu Jin
  • 性别:女
  • 职称:副教授
  • 所属院系:精密仪器与光电子工程学院


Estimation of glucose absorption spectrum at its optimum pathlength for every wavelength over a wide range


  • 所属单位:Tianjin University
  • 教研室:Bio optics and Applied Spectroscopy Laboratory
  • 发表刊物:Spectroscopy Letters
  • 刊物所在地:America
  • 项目来源:New Hemanalysis Instrument-Noninvasive Blood Glucose Detector(新型血液分析仪器—无创血糖检测仪)
  • 关键字:Absorption spectrum;glucose measurement;optimum pathlength;relative absorbance variation
  • 摘要:A method to estimate the absorbance spectrum caused by the variation in the concentration of a substance in a medium at the optimum pathlength for every wavelength on a wide waveband without adjusting the cell’s size precisely was presented in the paper. This spectrum could be used to evaluate the absorption of certain substance at the optimum pathlength at each wavelength, instead of using a uniform pathlength like absorption coefficient. And the absorbance spectra of glucose in aqueous solution at optimum pathlength for every wavelength at 900–2500 nm were estimated by using this method.
  • 合写作者:Zhang Ziyang、Cai Zijin、Han Guang、Sheng Weinan、Liu Jin
  • 第一作者:Zhang Ziyang
  • 论文类型:Applied Research
  • 通讯作者:Liu Jin
  • 论文编号:0038-7010(2016)09-0588-08
  • 卷号:49
  • 期号:9
  • 页面范围:588-595
  • ISSN号:0038-7010
  • 是否译文:否