- 教师拼音名称:Liu Jin
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
Multimode Optical Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Signal Processing Based on the Fourier Series Fitting
- 所属单位:Tianjin University
- 教研室:Bio optics and Applied Spectroscopy Laboratory
- 发表刊物:Plasmonics
- 刊物所在地:America
- 项目来源:New Hemanalysis Instrument-Noninvasive Blood Glucose Detector(新型血液分析仪器—无创血糖检测仪)
- 关键字:Multimode optical fiber; Surface plasmon resonance; Fourier series fitting
- 摘要:Multimode optical fiber is widely used because of its large core size, strong light-gathering ability, and remote on-line sensing ability in various environments. Due to the mode coupling and polarization loss, the signal curve obtained has wide full width at half-maximum (FWHM) and small peak value. Therefore, efficient methods to calculate the resonant wavelength are required. This paper presents a method to process the surface plasmon resonance curve (SPR) based on the Fourier series fitting. The calculated resonant wavelength is obtained with one-dimensional extremum-search method.
- 合写作者:Zhou Peng、Zhang Wenbin、Wang Junxing、Liu Jin、Su Rongxin、Wang Xuemin
- 第一作者:Zhou Peng
- 论文类型:Applied Research
- 通讯作者:Zhou Peng
- 论文编号:1557-1955(2016)03-0721-07
- 卷号:11
- 期号:3
- 页面范围:721-727
- ISSN号:1557-1955
- 是否译文:否