- 教师拼音名称:Liu Jin
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
Temperature insensitive prediction of glucose concentration in turbid medium using multivariable calibration based on external parameter orthogonalization
- 所属单位:Tianjin University
- 教研室:Bio optics and Applied Spectroscopy Laboratory
- 发表刊物:Proc. SPIE, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics VII
- 刊物所在地:America
- 项目来源:New Hemanalysis Instrument-Noninvasive Blood Glucose Detector(新型血液分析仪器—无创血糖检测仪)
- 关键字:Near-infrared Spectroscopy;Multivariable Calibration;emperature Correction;Diffuse Spectra
- 摘要:The measurement accuracy of non-invasive blood glucose concentration (BGC) sensing with near-infrared spectroscopy is easily affected by the temperature variation in tissue because it would induce an unacceptable spectrum variation and the consequent prediction deviation. We use a multivariable correction method based on external parameter orthogonalization (EPO) to calibrate the spectral data recorded at different temperature values to reduce the spectral variation. The tested medium is a kind of tissue phantom, the Intralipid aqueous solution.
- 合写作者:Han Tongshuai、Zhang Ziyang、Sun Cuiying、Sun Di、Guo Chao、Liu Jin
- 第一作者:Han Tongshuai
- 论文类型:Applied Research
- 通讯作者:Liu Jin
- 卷号:10024
- 是否译文:否