Fanfeng Peng, Shuxian Zheng*, Jia Li. Finite element analysis of the bionic tissue engineering scaffold for the defect cranium. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 184-185: 222-226. (EI:20124615665722)
上一条:Shuxian Zheng, Jia Li*, Qingfeng Sun. A new 3D contour extraction method for tooth cavity in a dental CAD/CAM system, Journal of Medical Systems, 2012, 36(3):1359-1364. (SCI: 939PX)
下一条:Shuxian Zheng, Jia Li*, Qingfeng Sun. A novel 3D morphing approach for tooth occlusal surface reconstruction, Computer-Aided Design, 2011, 43(3): 293-302. (SCI: 737OH) (EI: 20110813684759)