- 教师拼音名称:Bai Yu
- 出生日期:1978-04-10
- 职务:无
- 性别:男
- 职称:高级工程师
practical training for application layer of IOT
- 课程负责人:Bai Yu
- 课程介绍:The "practical training for application layer of IOT" is a public practice course, and established for all specialties in Tianjin University but the Internet of Things.
Objective: the course provides students belonged to all specialties but the Internet of Things a chance to access to the Internet of things. Moreover, it is the keys of the course to train students' ability in integrate theory with practice, engineering design, analyzing and solving practical problems, and creative consciousness - 面向对象:All specialties except the Internet of Things
- 授课教师:Bai Yu
- 面向对象:All specialties except the Internet of Things
- 课程号:2040682
- 学分:2.0
- 课程类型:本科生课程
- 是否精品课程:否
- 总学时:48.0