- 教师名称:胡一可
- 教师拼音名称:Hu Yi Ke
- 出生日期:1978-09-05
- 性别:男
- 职务:Digital Construction Laboratory Director
- 学科:Landscape Architecture
- 职称:副教授
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Hu Yike.Research on the planning strategy of Boundary of Urban National Park.Symposiuon of Doctoral Forum in China (Architecture).2009(10)
上一条:Liu Hegang,Hu Yike, Dai Wei.Ecological Perspective of Reservoirarea Planning-The Study of Songyuan Hada Mountain Reservoir Area of Area of Jilin Province.The 2011symposiuon of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture.2011.9.372-376. 下一条:Hu Yike,Song Ruiqi.The planning and city life of the Olympic Park in Munich.Architecture.2008(6)52-59.symposiuon WTO and China economy and the Eighth Annual Academic Conference,published in December 2009.