- 教师名称:高忠科
- 教师拼音名称:Gao Zhongke
- 出生日期:1982-10-23
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
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Zhongke Gao is now a Full Professor of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. He has published 90 SCI-indexed peer-reviewed journal articles in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, Knowledge-Based Systems, Chemical Engineering Journal, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, etc. 12 first-author papers are selected as the ESI Highly Cited Papers. His Google Scholar Citations is over 2000. He has published one book (academic monograph) in Springer in 2014. He owns 32 Chinese invention patents. Zhongke Gao is the director of Laboratory of Complex Networks and Intelligent Systems at Tianjin University. Zhongke Gao serves as Editorial Board Member for four SCI-indexed international journals. His current research interests include Complex network, Deep learning, Big data analysis, Time series analysis, Brain network and brain cognition, Brain-computer interface, Sensor devices and sensor arrays, Measurement science and technology, Multiphase flow, Multiscale analysis, Nonlinear dynamics, etc.
- Sensor devices and sensor arrays, Measurement science and technology, Multiphase flow
- Brain network and brain cognition, Brain-Computer Interface, Smart wearable devices
- Deep learning, Big data analysis, Artificial intelligence
- Multi-source information fusion in complex network, Time series analysis
- 暂无内容
- 暂无内容
- 2009.9-2010.9 Arizona State University, USA Measurement Techniques and Automation Equipment Visiting Scholar
- 2005.9-2007.7 Tianjin University Control Science and Engineering M.Sc.
- 2007.9-2010.9 Tianjin University Measurement Techniques and Automation Equipment Ph.D.
2016.7 -2019.12
|School of Electrical and Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor
2016.7 -2016.10
|National University of Singapore|Visiting Professor
2015.3 -2015.4
|City University of Hong Kong|Visiting Professor
2013.3 -2013.6
|Humboldt University of Berlin|Visiting Professor
2013.7 -2016.6
|School of Electrical Engineering and Automation|Tianjin University|Associate Professor
2010.9 -2013.6
|School of Electrical Engineering and Automation|Tianjin University|Lecturer
Laboratory of Complex Networks and Intelligent Systems at Tianjin University
团队名称:Laboratory of Complex Networks and Intelligent Systems at Tianjin University