- 教师名称:陈亮
- 教师拼音名称:Chen Liang
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
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Received master's degree in groundwater science and engineering from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) in 2009, and received Ph. D. in groundwater science and Engineering in 2012. During this period, studied and communicated in University of Wyoming in USA for 14 months. Published a total of 70 papers, including 37 SCI papers, with a total of more than 700 citations; granted 28 utility model patents and 3 invention patents; won three provincial and ministerial awards including 1st prize, 2st prize and 3st prize each.
- 2018年度大禹水利科学技术奖-三等奖,海河流域水源地多尺度多指标监测与藻类预测及污染控制技术,证书编号DYJ20180220-G10(户作亮、罗阳、王洪翠、张俊、周绪申、王乙震、孔凡青、江澄、张世禄、陈亮)。
- 2018年度教育部科技进步二等奖,挥发性有机物污染土壤与地下水联合修复新技术及应用,证书编号?,排名第5(何理、卢宏玮、施维林、张一梅、陈亮、李晶、任丽霞、唐晓声、赵保军、彭敏、彭飞)。
- 2018年度中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖,污染场地修复工艺非线性优化调控技术及应用,证书编号20189047,排名第4(何理、卢宏伟、张一梅、陈亮、樊星、任丽霞、施维林、马锡英、陈义忠、于森)。
- 2019年度第六届全国大学生水利创新设计大赛优秀指导教师,指导作品“一种便携式太阳能水体曝气装置”获得特等奖。
- 2019年度河北省水利学会科技进步奖-一等奖,秦皇岛多水源全口径水资源联合调度关键技术研究与应用,证书编号2019JB104-04。
- Zhang L., Sun Y.J., Xu Z.M., Zhang W.J., Huang G.X., Liu F., Chen L., Insights into pH-dependent transformation of gibberellic acid in aqueous solution: Transformation pathway, mechanism and toxicity estimation, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 104: 1-10.
- Fallgren P.H, Chen L., Peng M., Urynowicz M.A., Jin S., Facultative-anaerobic microbial digestion of coal preparation waste and use of effluent solids to enhance plant growth in a sandy soil, International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2021, 8(4): 767-779.
- Zhang B., Chen L., Guo Q.Z., Lian J.J., Evaluation of ammonia and nitrate distribution and reduction within stormwater green infrastructure with different woody plants under multiple influencing factors, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 302: 114086.
- 侯文硕,周国华,葛铜岗,陈亮,郭祺忠,道路初期雨水界定及弃流装置研究进展,给水排水,2022,48(2): 133-142。
- 杨凤茹,陈亮,张雅卓,郭祺忠,练继建,李萌萌,低影响开发雨水系统规划研究综述,水力发电学报,2021,40(6): 62-78。
- 陈亮,侯杰,胡晓蕾,张纪兆,王浩达,植物生长调节剂在土壤中的环境行为综述,环境科学,2022,43(1): 11-25。
- Hou J., Li G.A., Liu M.R., Chen L., Yao Y., Jin S., Fallgren P.H., Electrochemical destruction and mobilization of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in saturated soil, Chemosphere, 2022, 287: 132205.
- Li Y.H., Zhao L., Huang M.L., Chen L., Jin S., Application of a vertical “Electric Sieve” to mitigate and prevent salinization in coastal soil, Land Degradation & Development, 2022, 33(14): 2477-2486.
- Zhang B., Chen L., Song J., Guo Q.Z., Hou J., The influence of plants on the migration and transformation of nitrogen in plant-soil systems: a review, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2022, 22(4): 4084-4102.
- Zhang B., Chen L., Guo Q.Z., Zhang Z.X., Lian J.J., Characteristics of nitrogen distribution and its response to microecosystems in green infrastructure with different woody plants, Chemosphere, 2023, 313: 137371.
- 2009.9-2012.7 China University of Geoscience, Beijing Groundwater Science & Engineering 博士
- 2007.9-2009.7 China University of Geoscience, Beijing Groundwater Science & Engineering 硕士
- 2003.9-2007.7 Shandong University of Science and Technology Environmental Science 学士
2016.7 -2019.12
|School of Civil Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate professor
2013.1 -2016.6
|School of Civil Engineering|Tianjin University|Lecture