2. Tianjia Chen, Baolong Yu, Yicheng Zhao, Yongdan Li, Y.S. Lin*, Carbon dioxide permeation through ceramic-carbonate dual-phase membrane-effects of sulfur dioxide, Journal of Membrane Science, 540 (2017) 477-484.
上一条:1. Ping Li, Lining Fang, Nianjun Hou, Jiang Li, Xueli Yao, Tian Gan, Lijun Fan, Yicheng Zhao*, Yongdan Li*, Improved Performance of Ni-Mo Based Anode for Direct Methanol Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with the Addition of Rare Earth Oxides, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164 (2017) F1-F8.
下一条:3. Jiang Li, Tianmu Lv, Nianjun Hou, Ping Li, Xueli Yao, Lijun Fan, Tian Gan, Yicheng Zhao*, Yongdan Li, Molybdenum substitution at the B-site of lanthanum strontium titanate anodes for solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 22294-22301.