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  • 教师名称:陈霏
  • 教师拼音名称:Chen Fei
  • 出生日期:1981-11-18
  • 性别:
  • 学科:Electronic science and technology
  • 职称:讲师


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A 1.14mW 750kb/s FM-UWB Transmitter with 8-FSK Subcarrier Modulation


发表刊物:Proc. IEEE CICC

摘要:A noninvasive energy-efficient FM-UWB transmitter is implemented in 65nm CMOS for stereo hearing aid applications. Different form the conventional FM-UWB transmitter, the proposed transmitter employs an 8-FSK subcarrier modulation method to enhance data rate by three times with slight increment of hardware complexity. The 8-FSK subcarrier modulation is achieved by a fast-settling PLL along with a pre-tuned relaxation VCO. The FM-UWB signal generated by an FLL-assisted ring VCO and a single-stage class AB power amplifier meets the FCC spectrum mask. The 3.5-4GHz 750kb/s transmitter consumes 1.1

合写作者:F Chen, Y Li, D Lin, H Zhuo, W Rhee, J Kim, D Kim, Z Wang

第一作者:F Chen, Y Li, D Lin, H Zhuo, W Rhee

通讯作者:F Chen



上一条:A 3.8mW, 3.5–4GHz regenerative FM-UWB receiver with enhanced linearity by utilizing a wideband LNA and dual bandpass filters 下一条:A Phase-Domain ΔΣ Ranging Method for FMCW Radar Receivers

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