J. Hu, H. Gao*, Y. Meng, Z. Zhang*, L.L. Gao, Effects of free-end torsion on the microstructure evolution and fatigue properties in an extruded AZ31 rod, Materials Science and Engineering A 726 (2018) 215-222.
上一条:X. Chen, B. Ren, D. Yu, B. Xu, Z. Zhang*, G. Chen, Uniaxial low cycle fatigue behavior for pre-corroded 16MND5 bainitic steel in simulated pressurized water reactor environment, Journal of Nuclear Materials 504 (2018) 267-276.
下一条: H. Gao, J. Wang, F. Li, L.L. Gao*, Z. Zhang*, Uniaxial and biaxial ratcheting behavior of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, Materials Science and Engineering C 89 (2018) 295-306.