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  • 教师名称:何晋伟
  • 教师拼音名称:He Jinwei
  • 出生日期:1983-10-08
  • 性别:
  • 学科:Power electronics and power engineering
  • 职称:教授


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  • 基本信息

  • 研究方向

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  • 论文成果

  • Jinwei He received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Alberta, Canada, in Electrical Engineering in 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he was with Accuenenrgy Canada in Toronto as a senior power electronics engineer. In September 2015, he joined Tianjin University, China, where he currently is a Professor. 

    His research interests are power electronics for microgrid and distributed power generation. He has published over 70 journal and conference papers including over 30 IEEE transaction papers as of Sep. 2018. He received a best paper award from IEEE transaction power electronics society in 2016. 

    I am currently looking for highly motivated international PhD students. If you have a strong interest and a good background in electrical power system and power electronics, you are welcome to apply for positions in my group.


  • 2001.9-2005.7 Southeast University,Nanjing,China   Power System and Automation   学士
  • 2005.9-2008.7 Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China   Power Electronics   Master's Degree   Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  • 2009.9-2013.10 University of Alberta,Edmonton, Canada   Power engineering and Power electronics   博士


  • 2015.8 -2019.12

    |Institute of Electrical Automation and Information Engineering|Tianjin University, China|Professor

  • 2013.10 -2015.7

    |Accuenergy Canada Inc|Senior Power Electronics Engineer

  • 2007.1 -2009.9

    |The 14th Research Institution|China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, China|Electrical Engineer

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