English 官网


  • 教师名称:王丹
  • 教师拼音名称:Wang Dan
  • 出生日期:1981-10-28
  • 性别:
  • 职称:副教授


  • 邮编:

Zhe Liu, Dan Wang(corresponding author), Hongjie Jia, Ned Djilali. “Aggregation and Bidirectional Charging Power Control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Generation System Adequacy Analysis”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2014.2372044 , 2014.(SCI)




上一条:Zhe Liu, Dan Wang, Hongjie Jia, Curran Crawford, Pang-Chieh Sui, Ned Djilali. “Power system operation risk analysis considering charging load self-management of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles”, Applied Energy, Vol.136, no.31, pp.662–670, 2014.(SCI) 下一条:T. Williams, D. Wang, C. Crawford, N. Djilali, “Integrating Renewable Energy Using a Smart Distribution System: Potential of Self-regulating Demand Response,” Renewable Energy, Vol.52, pp: 46-56, 2013.(SCI)

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