Li S-L*, Liu C-Q*, Lang Y-C. 2010. Tracing the sources of nitrate in karstic groundwater in Zunyi, Southwest China:a combined nitrogen isotope and water chemistry approach, Environmental Earth Sciences 60:1415-1423
上一条:Li X-D*, Liu C-Q, Harue M, Li S-L, Liu X-L. 2010. The use of environmental isotopic (C, Sr, S) and hydrochemical tracers to characterize anthropogenic effects on karst groundwater quality:A case study of the Shuicheng Basin, SW China. Applied Geochemistry 25:1924-1936.
下一条:Li S-L*, Liu C-Q, Li J, Liu X-L, Chetelat B, Wang B-L, Wang F-S. 2010. Assessment of the sources of nitrate in the Changjiang River, China using a nitrogen and oxygen isotopic approach. Environmental Science and Technology 44:1573-1578.