Fadhullah W*, Yaccob NS, Syakir MI, Muhammad SA, Li S-L. 2019. Nitrate sources and processes in the surface water of a tropical reservoir by stable isotopes and mixing model. Science of the Total Environment 700:134517.
上一条:Li C, Li S-L*, Yue F-J, He S-N, Shi Z-B, Di C-L, Liu C-Q. 2019. Nitrate sources and formation of rainwater constrained by nitrate isotopes in Southeast Asia:Example from Singapore. Chemosphere 241:125024.
下一条:Buckerfield SJ*, Quilliam RS, Waldron S, Naylor LA, Li S-L, Oliver DM. 2019. Rainfall-driven E. coli transfer to the stream-conduit network observed through increasing spatial scales in mixed land-use paddy farming karst terrain. Water Research 5:100038.