Di C-L, Wang T-J*, Istanbulluoglu E, Jayawardena AW, Li S-L, Chen X. 2019. Deterministic chaotic dynamics in soil moisture across Nebraska. Journal of Hydrology 578:124048.
上一条:Yue F-J, Waldron S, Li S-L*, Wang Z-J, Oliver DM. 2019. Land use interacts with changes in catchment hydrology to generate chronic nitrate pollution in karst waters and strong seasonality in excess nitrate export. Science of the Total Environment 696:134062.
下一条:Liang X*, Xing T, Li J-X, Wang B-L*, Wang F-S, He C-Q, Hou L-J, Li S-L. 2019. Control of the hydraulic load on nitrous oxide emissions from cascade reservoirs. Environmental Science Technology 53:11745-11754.