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上一条:Liu Y-J, Yuan J, Yue F-J, Li S-L, Wang B-L, Mohinuzzaman M, Yang X-M, Senesi N, Lao X-Y, Li L-L, Liu C-Q, Ellam R, Mostofa K*. 2020. New insights into mechanisms of sunlight-mediated high-temperature accelerated diurnal production-degradation of fluorescent DOM in lake waters:1-34.
下一条:Buckerfield SJ*, Waldron S, Quilliam RS, Naylor LA, Li S-L, Oliver DM. 2019. How can we improve understanding of faecal indicator dynamics in karst systems under changing climatic, population, and land use stressors? Research opportunities in SW China. Science of the Total Environment 646:438-447.