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  • 教师名称:戴建明
  • 教师拼音名称:Dai Jianming
  • 出生日期:1966-07-29
  • 性别:
  • 学科:Terahertz Wave Photonics
  • 职称:教授


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  • Jianming Dai is currently a professor of optics in the School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering at Tianjin University. He was with The Institute of Optics at University of Rochester, The Center for Terahertz Research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University,Department of Chemistry at State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Chemistry at Temple University, and Department of Electronics Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is an Optica Fellow. EDUCATION:Tianjin University, Ph.D. in Optics, 1994Tianjin University, M.S. in Optics, 1991Tianjin University, B.S. in Optics, 1988 EXPERIENCE: Jan. 2016~Present: School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China ProfessorNov. 2012~Dec. 2015: The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, U. S. Associate Professor (Research)Jan. 2012~Oct. 2012: The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, U. S. ScientistJan. 2010~Dec. 2011: The Center for THz Research, Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, U. S. Research Associate ProfessorMay 2007~Dec. 2009: The Center for THz Research, Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, U. S. Research Assistant ProfessorSept. 2005~Apr. 2007: The Center for THz Research, Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, U. S. Research AssociateAug. 2004~Aug. 2005: Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, U. S. Postdoctoral Research FellowOct. 2002~Aug. 2004: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, U. S. Postdoctoral Research FellowOct. 2001~Oct. 2002: Department of Chemistry (Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics), the State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, U. S. Postdoctoral Research FellowSept.2000~Sept.2001: Department of Chemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. Postdoctoral Research FellowMay 1999~Aug. 2000: School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, P. R. ChinaAssociate ProfessorMay 1998~May 1999: Department of Electronics Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong KongResearch AssociateOct. 1994~May. 1998: School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, P. R. ChinaAssistant Professor PUBLICATIONS: Journal Papers: The total citations: >5000, as of May 21, 2024 on Google Scholar 1. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Liyuan Liu*, Zhen Tian*, Jianming Dai*, Interaction of colliding laser pulses with gas plasma for broadband coherent terahertz wave generation, Photonics Research 11, 1562-1569 (2023).2. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Liyuan Liu, Zhen Tian, Jianming Dai*, Xi-Chen Zhang, Backward THz Emission from Two-Color Laser Field-Induced Air Plasma Filament, Sensors 23, 4630 (2023).3. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Liyuan Liu, Zhen Tian*, Xi-Cheng Zhang*, Jianming Dai*, Plasma-based terahertz wave photonics in gas and liquid phases, Photonics Insights 2, R06 (2023).4. Jianming Dai, Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Terahertz Wave Generation from Water Lines, Terahertz Liquid Photonics, WORLD SCIENTIFIC, pp. 132-166 (2023).5. Yuhang He, Yuxuan Chen, Jiapeng Zhao, Zhen Tian, and Jianming Dai*, "Coherent terahertz radiation from indium tin oxide film via third-order optical nonlinearity", Applied Physics Letters 122, 041106 (2023).6. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Liyuan Liu, Zhen Tian, Jianming Dai*, and Xi-Cheng Zhang, "Backward THz emission from two-color laser field-induced air plasma filament", Sensors 2023, 23, 4630 (2023).7. Shoujun Zhang, Xieyu Chen, Kuan Liu, Haiyang Li, Yuanhao Lang, Jie Han, Qingwei Wang, Yongchang Lu, Jianming Dai*, Tun Cao*, and Zhen Tian*, "Terahertz multi-level nonvolatile optically rewritable encryption memory based on chalcogenide phase-change materials", iScience 25, 104866 (2022). 8. Yuhang He, Yuxuan Chen, Chunhui Lu, Yifan Zhang, Zhen Tian*, Xinlong Xu*, and Jianming Dai*, "Coherent injection photocurrent in bismuth sulfide film induced by one-plus-two photon absorption quantum interference", Optics Letters 47, 1206-1209 (2022).9. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Zhen Tian*, and Jianming Dai, "Lateral terahertz wave emission from laser induced plasma in liquid water line", Applied Physics Letters 120, 041101 (2022).10. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Liyuan Liu, Zhen Tian*, and Jianming Dai*, "Scaling of the terahertz emission from liquid water lines by plasma reshaping", Optics Letters 47, 5969-5972 (2022).11. Jiapeng Zhao*, Jianming Dai, Boris Braverman, Xi-Cheng Zhang,and Robert W. Boyd, "Compressive ultrafast pulse measurement via time-domain single-pixel imaging", Optica 8, 1176-1185, (2021).12. Yuxuan Chen, Yuhang He, Yifan Zhang, Zhen Tian*, and Jianming Dai*, "Systematic investigation of terahertz wave generation from liquid water lines". Optics Express 29, 20477-20486, (2021).13.Qi Jin, Jianming Dai, Yiwen E, and X.-C. Zhang, "Terahertz wave emission from a liquid water film under the excitation of asymmetric optical fields", Applied Physics Letters 113, 261101 (2018). 14.Qi Jin, Yiwen E, Kaia Williams, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, "Observation of broadband terahertz wave generation from liquid water", Applied Physics Letters 111, 071103 (2017). 15.Yan Peng, XiangQian Chen, YunYan Zhou, Kun Luo1, Jian Xu, Ron Henderson, JianMing Dai and YiMing Zhu, "Quantification of absorption contributions in microstructured silicon fabricated by femtosecond laser pulses", Europhysics Letters (EPL) 110, 68005 (2015).16.Yan Peng, Xiangqian Chen, Yunyan Zhou, Gongjie Xu, Bin Cai, Yiming Zhu, Jian Xu, Ron Henderson, and Jianming Dai, "Annealing-Insensitive "Black Silicon" with High Infrared Absorption ", Journal of Applied Physics 116, 073102 (2014).17.Benjamin Clough, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, "Laser Air Photonics: Covering the "Terahertz Gap" and Beyond", Chinese Journal of Physics 52, 416 (2014).18.Jianming Dai and X.-C. Zhang, "Terahertz wave generation from thin metal films excited by asymmetrical optical fields", Optics Letters 39, 777 (2014).19.Xuan Sun, Fabrizio Buccheri, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, "Review of THz wave air photonics", SPIE Photonics Asia, 856202 (2012).20.Benjamin Clough, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, “Laser air photonics: beyong the terahertz gap”, Invited paper on Materials Today 15, 50 (2012). 21.Jianming Dai, Benjamin Clough, I-Chen Ho, Xiaofei Lu, Jingle Liu, and X.-C. Zhang, “Recent Progresses in Terahertz Wave Air Photonics”, Invited paper on IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 1, 274 (2011). 22.Jianming Dai, Jingle Liu, and X.-C. Zhang, “Terahertz Wave Air Photonics: Terahertz Wave Generation and Detection with Laser-Induced Gas Plasma”, Invited paper on IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 17, 183 (2011). 23.Jingle Liu, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, “Ultrafast broadband terahertz waveform measurement utilizing ultraviolet plasma photoemission”, Journal of Optical Society of America B 28, 796 (2011).24.Jingle Liu, Jianming Dai, Xiaofei Lu, I-Chen Ho, and X.-C. Zhang, “Broadband Terahertz Wave Generation, Detection and Coherent Control Using Terahertz Gas Photonics”, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 20, 3 (2011).25.Jingle Liu, Jianming Dai, See Leang Chin, and X.-C. Zhang, “Broadband terahertz wave sensing using coherent manipulation of fluorescence from asymmetrically ionized gases”, Nature Photonics 4, 627 (2010).26.Qiang Lin, Jian Zheng, Jianming Dai, I-Chen Ho, and X.-C. Zhang, “Intrinsic chirp of single-cycle pulses”, Physical Review A 81, 043821 (2010).27.Jianming Dai, Xiaofei Liu, Jingle Liu, I-Chen Ho, Nicholas Karpowicz, and X.-C. Zhang, “Remote THz wave sensing in ambient atmosphere”, Terahertz Science and Technology 2, 1941 (2009).28.Jianming Dai, Nicholas Karpowicz, and X.-C. Zhang, “Optical manipulation of terahertz wave polarization in two-color laser-induced gas plasma”, published as Optics in 2009 on Optics & Photonics News (OPN) 20, 36 (2009).29.Jianming Dai, Nicholas Karpowicz, and X.-C. Zhang, “Coherent polarization control of terahertz waves generated from two-color laser-induced gas plasma”, Physical Review Letters 103, 023001 (2009).30.Jianming Dai and X.-C. Zhang, “Terahertz wave generation from gas plasma using a phase compensator with attosecond phase-control accuracy”, Applied Physics Letters 94, 021117 (2009).31.Jingle Liu, Xiaoyu Guo, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, “Optical property of Beta Barium Borate in Terahertz region”, Applied Physics Letters 93, 171102 (2008).32.Nicholas Karponwicz, Jianming Dai, X.-C. Zhang, Liangliang Zhang, and Cunlin Zhang, “Recent developments in broadband terahertz spectroscopy”, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 18, 1005 (2008).33.Nicholas Karpowicz, Jianming Dai, Xiaofei Lu, et al., “Coherent heterodyne time-domain spectrometry covering the entire “terahertz gap””, Applied Physics Letters 92, 011131 (2008). 34.Jianming Dai, Xu Xie, and X.-C. Zhang, “Terahertz wave amplification in gases with the excitation of femtosecond laser pulses”, Applied Physics Letters 91, 211102 (2007).35.Xu Xie, Jianming Dai, Masashi Yamaguchi and X.-C. Zhang, “Ambient Air Used as the Nonlinear Media for THz Wave Generation”, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 17, 261-270 (2007).36.Jianming Dai, Xu Xie, and X.-C. Zhang, “Sensing pulsed terahertz waves with ambient air”, Physics (China) 36, 191 (2007).37.Xu Xie, Jingzhou Xu, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, “Enhancement of terahertz wave generation from laser induced plasma”, Applied Physics Letters 90, 141104 (2007). 38.Jianming Dai, Xu Xie, and X.-C. Zhang, “Detection of broadband terahertz waves with a laser-induced plasma in gases”, Physical Review Letters 97, 103903 (2006). 39.Xu Xie, Jianming Dai, and X.-C. Zhang, “Coherent control of THz wave generation in ambient air”, Physical Review Letters 96, 075005 (2006). 40.A. K. Azad, Jianming Dai, and Weili Zhang, “Transmission properties of terahertz pulses through subwavelength double split-ring resonators”, Optics Letters 31, 634 (2006). 41.A.Y. Vorobyev, V.M. Kuzmichev, N.G. Kokody, P. Kohns, J. Dai, and C. Guo, "Residual thermal effects in Al following ns- and fs-laser pulse ablation", App. Phys. A 82, 357 (2006).42.Jianming Dai, H. Teng, and Chunlei Guo, "Second- and third-order interferometric autocorrelations based on harmonic generations from metal surfaces", Optics Communications 252, 173 (2005).43.L. Thamizhmani, A. K. Azad, Jianming Dai, and W. Zhang, "Far-infrared optical and dielectric response of ZnS measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy", Applied Physics Letters 86, 131111 (2005).44.Jianming Dai, S. Coleman and D. Grischkowsky, "Planar THz Quasioptics", Applied Physics Letters 85, 884 (2004).45.Jianming Dai, Jiangquan Zhang, Weili Zhang, and D. Grischkowsky, "Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Characterization of the Far-Infrared Absorption and Index of Refraction of High-Resistivity, Float-Zone Silicon ", Jounal of Optical Society of America B 21, 1379 (2004). 46.Guang S. He, Tzu-Chau Lin, Jianming Dai, and Paras N. Prasad, "Degenerate two-photon-absorption spectral studies of highly two-photon active organic chromophores", Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 5275 (2004). 47.Yuzhen Shen, Tzu-Chau Lin, Jianming Dai, Przemyslaw Markowicz, and Paras N. Prasad, "Near-Field Optical Imaging of Transient Absorption Dynamics in Organic Nanocrystals", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 13551 (2003).48.Guang S. He, Jianming Dai, Tzu-Chau Lin, Przemyslaw Markowicz, and Paras N. Prasad, "Ultrashort 1.5-µm laser excited upconverted stimulated emission based on simultaneous three-photon absorption", Optics Letters 28, 719 (2003).49. Wang, Chingyue; Zheng, Wei; Dai, Jianming; Chai, Lu, “Stability Analysis and Calculation of the Femtosecond Laser with a Multiple-pass Cavity”, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 28, 501 (2001). 50.Jianming Dai, Weili Zhang, Lizhe Zhang, Lu Chai, Yong Wang et al, "A Diode-pumped, Self-starting, All-solid-state Self-mode-locked Cr:LiSGAF Laser", Optics & Laser Technology 33, 71 (2001).51.Zhang, R.B. ; Bian, Z.P.; Dai, J.M.; Pang, D.Q.; Sun, J.H.; Wang, Q.Y., “Exact calculation of the resonator for three-element cavity Kerr mode-locked laser” Chinese Journal of Lasers 28, 215(2001).52.Zhang, Ruo-Bing; Sun, Jing-Hua; Pang, Dong-Qing; Dai, Jian-Ming; Wang, Qing-Yue, “Analytical expressions of quadratic and cubic phases in a three-element resonator for Kerr-lens mode locking”, Applied Optics 40, 360 (2001).53.Sun, Jinghua; Zhang, Ruobing; Wang, Qingyue; Chai, Lu; Pang, Dongqing; Dai, Jianming; Zhang, Zhigang; Torizuka, Kenji; Nakagawa, Tadashi; Sugaya, Takeyoshi “High-average-power self-starting mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with a broadband semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror”, Applied Optics 40, 3539 (2001).54.Sun, Hong; Zhang, Zhigang; Chai, Lu; Zhao, Jiangshan; Dai, Jianming; Xing, Qirong; Wang, Qingyue, "Optimized Gires-Tournois mirrors used in mode-locked femtosecond Ti:sapphire lasers, Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.21, No.11 (2001), pp1384~1387.55.Sun, Jinghua; Zhang, Ruobing; Wang, Qingyue; Zhang, Zhigang; Chai, Lu; Pang, Dongqing; Dai, Jianming, "High-average-power self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser self-started by a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror", Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.21, No.8 (2001), pp1019~1021.56.Zhang, Zhigang; Chai, Lu; Sun, Hong; Zhao, Jiangshan; Dai, Jianming; Xing, Qirong; Wang, Qingyue, "Mirror-dispersion-controlled and self-started femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser", , Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.21, No.2 (2001), pp253~254.57.Lizhe Zhang, Jianming Dai, Weili Zhang, Xinchao Lu, Yong Wang etal, “All-solid-state Tunable Yb:YAG Laser” Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.28, No.10 (2001), pp873.58.DAI Jianming, ZHANG Lizhe, ZHANG Weili et al, "Diode-pumped, all-solid-state Cr:LiSGaF laser", Chinese Journal of lasers, Vol. B9, No. 5, October 2000.59.Heying Wei, Qirong Xing, Weili Zhang, Lu Chai, Jianming Dai, Qingyue Wang,” Femtosecond Laser for Application in Biomedicine”, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser (of china), Vol.11, No.6 (2000), pp672.60.Weili Zhang, Jianming Dai, Lizhe Zhang,Lu Chai, et al, “ LD-Pumped Self-Starting All-Solid-State Self-Mode-Locked Cr:LiSGAF Laser”, Acta Optica Sinica (of china), Vol.20 No.4 (2000), pp575.61.Weili Zhang, Lizhe Zhang, Lu Chai, Jianming Dai, , et al, “High Efficiency Tunable CW Laser Operation of High Yb3+ Doped Phosphate Glass”, Acta Optica Sinica (of china), Vol.20 No.5 (2000), pp717.62.Yong Wang, Weili Zhang, Jianming Dai et al, "Second- and third-order dispersion in PW prism-sequence with arbitrary apex-angle", Optics & Laser Technology 32 (2000) 129-133.63.C. S. Wong, J. M. Dai, and H. K. Tsang, "Photoconductive Detection of millimeter waves using proton implanted GaAs", Applied Physics Letters 75, 745(1999).64. Jiangshan Zhao, Weili Zhang, Jianming Dai, Lizhe Zhang ,Mingwei Wang, Qirong Xing, Lu Chai, Qingyue Wang, “Analysis Method of q-p Parameter in Spatial-temporal Matrix in Self-mode-locked Lasers”, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser (of china), vol.10, No.6 (1999), pp492.65.Wang, Jiaxian; Liang, Hongye; Dai, Jianming; Wang, Qingyue, "Research on the Operation of a Cr:LiSAF Laser with a Three-mirror Cavity and Low Pump Power", Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.A25, No.9 (1998), pp669.66.Wang, Jiaxian; Liang, Hongye; Dai, Jianming; Wang, Qingyue, "Characteristic Investigation of A Self-Mode-Locking Cr:LiSAF Laser", Acta Photonica Sinica (of China), Vol.27, No.12 (1998), pp1102.67.Wang, Chingyue; Dai, Jianming; Zhang, Weili; Liang, Hongye; Zhang, Ruobing; Xing, Qirong; Zhang, Yueshan, "15fs-pulse Generation from a Self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with Low Pump Power", Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.A24, No.12 (1997), pp1057.68.Weili Zhang, Lu Chai, Jianming Dai et al, "A Real-time Interferometric (8:1) Autocorrelator", Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.A24, No.10 (1997), pp915.69.Jianming Dai, Yuzhen Shen, and Chingyue Wang, "Experimental Studies on a Self-Mode-Locked Cr:LiSAF Laser", Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.17, No.7 (1997), pp889.70.Wanghua Xiang, Qirong Xing, Jianming Dai, Peng Li, Weili Zhang, Qingyue Wang, “SELF-MODE-LOCKED Ti: Al_2O_3 LASER” Journal of Tianjin University, Vol.29, No.2, (1996), pp207.71.Jianming Dai, Yuzhen Shen, Chingyue Wang et al, "A Self-Mode-Locked Ring-Cavity Ti:sapphire Laser", Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.16, No.8 (1996), pp1056 .72.Jianming Dai, Chingyue Wang, Qiang Zhang et al, "Experimental studies on CW and self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire lasers", Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.A23, No.2 (1996), pp10773.Zhong, Qinghua; Wang, Zhaohui; Zhu, Qihe; Kong, Fan'ao; Wang, Qingyue; Dai, Jianming, " Study of ultrafast relaxation of laser dye in solution by femtosecond laser", Chinese Journal of Lasers, Vol.A23, No.4 (1996), pp349.74.Jianming Dai, Ruobing Zhang, and Chingyue Wang, "A new type of dye laser used for a femtosecond squeezed state: stability analysis and experimental study", Acta Physica Sinica (of China), Vol.43, No.1 (1994), pp20.75.Xiang, Wanghua; Dai, Jianming; Xing, Qirong; Zhang, Weili; Wang, Qinyue, "A self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with low pump power", Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.14, No.1 (1994), pp36’.76.Wang, Xinglong; Xiao, Xuhui; Qiao, Jinyuan; Wu, Xiaoying; Dai, Jianming; Wang, Chanqing; Yao, Jianquan, " Calculation of third-order dispersion in a femtosecond continuous wave mode-locked laser ", Chinese Journal of Lasers Vol. A21, No.8 (1994), pp624.77.Wang, Chingyue; Dai, Jianming; Xiang, Wanghua; Xing, Qirong; Zhang, Weili, "The fs self-focusing mode-locked operation in titanium-doped alumina laser", Acta Optica Sinica (of China), Vol.13, No.1 (1993), pp93. Conference Papers/Presentations: 1. Jianming Dai (Presenter, Invited Talk), Qi Jin, Yiwen E, Kaia Williams, and X.-C. Zhang, “Using liquid water as broadband terahertz wave emitter”, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 15-19, 2018.2. Jianming Dai (Presenter, Keynote Talk), "Terahertz Wave Air Photonics: Generation and detection of intense THz waves with laser-induced plasma in gaseous media", Second Forum for Metrology and Measurement and Aerospace Development, Beijing, China, Oct. 22, 2015.3. Jianming Dai (Presenter) and X.-C. Zhang, “Pulsed Terahertz Wave Emission from Thin Metal films Excited by Two-Color Laser Fields”, poster presentation, CEIS University Technology Showcase, Rochester, NY, USA, April 10, 2014.4. Pernille Klarskov (Presenter), Krzysztof Iwaszczuk, Maksim Zalkovskij, Radu Malureanu, Jianming Dai, X.-C. Zhang, and Peter U. Jepsen, “Resonant field enhancement in periodically arranged microslits for non-linear terahertz spectrosco...
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  • 1991.9-1994.9 Tianjin University   Optics   博士
  • 1988.9-1991.7 Tianjin University   Optics   硕士
  • 1984.9-1988.7 Tianjin University   Optics   学士


  • 2000.9 -2001.9

    |Department of Chemistry|Temple University|Postdoc.

  • 2001.10 -2002.9

    |Department of Chemistry|State University of New York at Buffalo (University at Buffalo)|Posdoc.

  • 2002.10 -2004.7

    |ECE|Oklahoma State University|Postdoc.

  • 2004.8 -2005.8

    |The Institute of Optics|University of Rochester|Postdoc.

  • 2005.9 -2008.4

    |Center for Terahertz Research|Rensselaer Polytechnic Instiute|Research Associate

  • 2008.5 -2009.12

    |Center for Teraherz Research|Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute|Research Assistant Professor

  • 2010.1 -2011.12

    |Center for Terahertz Research|Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute|Research Associate Professor

  • 2012.1 -2015.12

    |The Institute of Optics|University of Rochester|Associate Professor

  • 2016.1 -2017.12

    |School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering|Tianjin University

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