School of Civil Engineering
Associate professor
Professional teachers
Hydrology and Water Resources
I have been engaged in the study and research of hydrology and water resources since 2005. My main research interests are: (1) Research on hydrological process and hydrological models;( 2) Study on numerical simulation and disaster mechanism of urban floods; (3) Study on the water-related problems of the construction and development of sponge cities;(4) Study on regional drought characteristics;(5) Observation and Study on water, heat and carbon flux of typical ecosystems. I presided over and completed 1 post doctoral foundation project, 1 post doctoral special fund project, 1 open fund project of National Key Laboratory, 1 youth fund project of National Natural Science Foundation, and was selected into the "Beiyang scholar · Young backbone teacher program" of Tianjin University in 2019. Also, I presided over 1 youth project of Tianjin Science and technology foundation, and 3 horizontal projects, with a cumulative scientific research fund of nearly 2.5 million yuan. As the technical backbone of the project, I have participated in 1 national key R & D plan project, 1 national major science and technology special project, 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects and more than 10 other horizontal and vertical projects. In 2020, I completed the construction of field observation facilities such as "micro scale evaporation and infiltration observation system", "high-density automatic meteorological monitoring station network of complex terrain", "automatic continuous monitoring station network of soil moisture content" and "land surface ecological flux monitoring vorticity related system", and established the eco-hydrological field scientific observation experimental base of the laboratory. By now, more than 30 papers have been published, including 27 papers in SCI and 4 papers in top journals.
- Imperial College London| Earth Science and Engieering| 2014
- Doctoral degree| Tianjin University| Hydraulic Engineering| 2015
- Master’s Degree| Tianjin University| Hydraulic Engineering| 2011
- Bachelor’s Degree| Wuhan University| Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering| 2009
- Observation and Study on water, heat and carbon flux of typical ecosystems.
- Regional drought characteristics
- Study on the water-related problems in the construction and development of sponge cities
- Numerical simulation and disaster mechanism of urban floods
- Hydrological process and hydrological models
- Young editorial board member of the Chinese core journal South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology
 Tianjin University  -
 Tianjin University 
- Papers
- [1] Rajeev Katwal , Li Jianzhu , Zhang Ting , et al. Event-based and continous flood modeling in Zijinguan watershed, Northern China[J]. Natural Hazards, 108(1), 733-753. (SCI, IF: 2.427)
- [2] Peng Ling, Zhang Ting, Rong Youtong, et al. Numerical investigation of the impact of a dam-break induced flood on a structure[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 223(6):108669. (SCI Top journal, IF: 3.068)
- [3] Liu Yan, Zhang Ting , Kang Aiqing , et al. Research on Runoff Simulations Using Deep-Learning Methods[J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13(3):1336. (SCI, IF: 2.576)
- [4] 张婷, 高雅, 李建柱,等. 流域非点源氮磷污染负荷分布模拟[J]. 河海大学学报:自然科学版, 49(1):8. (CSCD)
- [5] Zhou Keke, Li Jianzhu*, Zhang Ting, Kang Aiqing. The use of combined soil moisture data to characterize agricultural drought conditions and the relationship among different drought types in China[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 243. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106479 (SCI Top journal, IF: 4.021)
- [6] Li Jianzhu, Zhang Siyao, Huang Lingmei, Zhang Ting*, Feng Ping. Drought prediction models driven by meteorological and remote sensing data in Guanzhong Area, China[J]. Hydrology Research, 2020, 51(5): 942-958. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2020.184 (SCI, IF: 2.012)
- [7] Li Jianzhu, Lei Kun, Zhang Ting*, Zhong Wei, Kang Aiqing, Ma Qiushuang, Feng Ping. A framework for event-based flood scaling analysis by hydrological modeling in data-scarce regions[J]. Hydrology Research, 2020, 51(5): 1091-1103. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2020.042 (SCI, IF: 2.012)
- [8] Li Min, Zhang Ting*, Feng Ping. Bivariate frequency analysis of seasonal runoff series under future climate change[J]. Hydrological Sciences Jounal, 2020, 65(14): 2439-2452. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1817927 (SCI, IF: 2.186)
- [9] Miao Yuanjingjing, Li Jianzhu*, Feng Ping, Dong Lixin, Zhang Ting, Wu Jiezhao, Katwal Rajeev. Effects of land use changes on the ecological operation of the Panjiakou-Daheiting Reservoir system, China[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2020, 152:105851. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.105851 (SCI, IF: 3.512)
- [10] Rong Youtong, Zhang Ting*, Zheng Yanchen, Hu Chunqi, Peng Ling, Feng Ping. Three-dimensional urban flood inundation simulation based on digital aerial photogrammetry[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 584:124308. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124308 (SCI Top journal, IF: 4.5)
- [11] Li Jianzhu, Zhou Keke, Zhang Ting*, Ma Qiushuang, Feng Ping. Analysis of flood peak scaling in mesoscale non-nested basin[J]. Water Science & Technology-Water Supply, 2020, 20(2): 416-427. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2019.172 (SCI, IF: 0.9)
- [12] Li Jianzhu*, Ma Qiushuang , Tian Yu, Lei Yuming, Zhang Ting, Feng Ping. Flood scaling under nonstationarity in Daqinghe River basin, China[J]. Natural Hazards, 2019, 98(6). DOI: 10.1007/s11069-019-03724-y (SCI, IF: 2.427)
- [13] Rong Youtong, Zhang Ting*, Peng Ling and Feng Ping. Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Dam Discharge and Flood Routing in Wudu Reservoir[J]. Water 2019, 11, 2157, DOI:10.3390/w11102157 (SCI, IF: 2.069)
- [14] Wang Yixuan, Li Jianzhu*, Zhang Ting, Wang Bing. Changes in drought propagation under the regulation of reservoirs and water diversion[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 138(1-2):701-711. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-019-02839-3
- [15] Li Min, Zhang Ting*, Feng Ping. A nonstationary runoff frequency analysis for future climate change and its uncertainties[J]. Hydrological processes, 2019, 33(21): 2759-2771, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13526 (SCI, IF: 3.181)
- [16] Li Min, Zhang Ting*, Li Jianzhu, Feng Ping. Hydrological Drought Forecasting Incorporating Climatic and Human-Induced Indices[J]. Weather and forecasting, 2019, 34(5): 1365-1376. DOI: 10.1175/WAF-D-19-0029.1 (SCI, IF: 2.276)
- [17] Zhang Ting*, Peng Ling, Feng Ping. Evaluation of a 3D unstructured-mesh finite element model for dam-break floods [J]. Computers & Fluids, 2018, 160(4):64-77, DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.10.013 (SCI, IF: 2.221)
- [18] Zhang Ting, Wang Yixuan, Wang Bing, Feng Ping. Understanding the Main Causes of Runoff Change by Hydrological Modeling: A Case Study in Luanhe River Basin, North China[J]. Water, 2018, 10(8), 1028, doi:10.3390/w10081028 (SCI, IF: 2.069)
- [19] Zhang Ting, Wang Yixuan, Wang Bing, Tan Senming, Feng Ping. Nonstationary Flood Frequency Analysis Using Univariate and Bivariate Time-Varying Models Based on GAMLSS. Water, 2018, 10(7), 819, DOI:10.3390/w10070819 (SCI, IF: 2.069)
- [20] Zhang Ting*, Feng Ping. Development of a three-dimensional unstructured mesh finite element model for flood propagation[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), 2017, 143(10), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001358 (SCI, IF: 2.080)
- [21] Yixuan Wang, Ting Zhang*, Xu Chen, et al. Spatial and temporal characteristics of droughts in Luanhe River basin, China[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2017, 131(3-4):1369-1385, DOI:10.1007/s00704-017-2059-z (SCI, IF: 2.321 )
- [22] Zhang Ting*, Feng Ping, Čedo Maksimović, et al. Application of a Three-Dimensional Unstructured-Mesh Finite-Element Flooding Model and Comparison with Two-Dimensional Approaches [J]. Water Resources Management, 2015:1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-015-1193-6 (SCI, IF: 2.644)
- [23] Fang Fangxin, Zhang Ting, Pavlidis D., Pain C. Christopher, Buchan A.G., Navon I.M.. Reduced order modeling of an unstructured mesh air pollution model and application in 2D/3D urban street canyons, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 96, 2014: 96-106, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.07.021 (SCI, IF: 3.708)
- [24] Li Jianzhu, Gao Zhenxing, Guo Yuangang, Zhang Ting, Ren Peizhen, Feng Ping. Water supply risk analysis of Panjiakou reservoir in Luanhe River basin of China and drought impacts under environmental change[J]. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2019, 137(3-4): 2393-2408, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2748-2 (SCI, IF: 2.321)
- [25] Zhang Man, Zhou Keke, Zhangting*, Li Jianzhu, Feng Ping. Hydrological responses and stormwater control effects of typical urban LID measures. Journal of hydropower, 2019, 38 (05): 59-73. (IN CHINESE)
- [26] Chen Fulong, Zhang Ting*, Feng Ping, et al. Impacts of jump up components on the uncertainties of parameters estimation in snowmelt flood sequences. Journal of glaciology and geocryology, 2018, 40(5):1004-1015. (IN CHINESE)
- [27] Jianzhu Li, Yanchen Zheng,Yimin Wang ,Ting Zhang ,Ping Feng, Bernard A. Engel. Improved Mixed Distribution Model Considering Historical Extraordinary Floods under Changing Environment[J].Water, 2018, 10(8), 1016, (SCI, IF: 2.069)
- [28] Zhang Ting*, Fangxin Fang, Feng Ping. Simulation of dam/levee-break hydrodynamics with a three-dimensional implicit unstructured-mesh finite element model[J]. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 17(5):959–979, DOI:10.1007/s10652-017-9530-3 (SCI, IF: 1.846 )
- [29] Zhang Ting, Li Jianzhu*, Hu Rong, et al. Drought class transition analysis through different models: a case study in North China[J]. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 2016, 17(1), DOI: 10.2166/ws.2016.123 (SCI, IF: 0.674)
- [30] Fawen Li, Ping Feng, Wei Zhang and Ting Zhang. An integrated groundwater management mode based on control indexes of groundwater quantity and level. Water resources management 27, no. 9 (2013): 3273-3292, DOI:10.1007/s11269-013-0346-8 (SCI, IF: 2.644 )
- [31] Bing Wang, Ping Feng, Ting Zhang. Analysis on synchronous asynchronous encounter of rich poor precipitation based on mixed Copulas function, 2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE), 2011, 1978(1981): 22-24. (EI)
- [32] Zhang, Ting, Feng Ping. Design flood of ungauged basins based on DEM[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2012, 10(5):51-57. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4178.2012.05.009
- Books
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- Teaching
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