Pan Jiaying
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- Wei, Haiqiao; Gao, Dongzhi; Zhou, Lei; Petrakides, Sotiris; Chen, Rui; Feng, Dengquan; Pan, Jiaying. Experimental study on laminar flame characteristics of methane-PRF95 dual fuel under lean burn conditions. Fuel. 2016, 185: 254-262.
- Wei, Haiqiao; Gao, Dongzhi; Zhou, Lei; Pan, Jiaying; Tao, Kang; Pei, Zigang. Experimental observations of turbulent flame propagation effected by flame acceleration in the end gas of closed combustion chamber. Fuel. 2016, 180: 157-163.
- Pan, Jiaying; Wei, Haiqiao; Shu, Gequn; Chen, Zheng; Zhao, Peng. The role of low temperature chemistry in combustion mode development under elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame. 2016, 174: 179-193.
- Pan, Jiaying; Shu, Gequn; Zhao, Peng; Wei, Haiqiao; Chen, Zheng. Interactions of flame propagation, auto-ignition and pressure wave during knocking combustion. Combustion and Flame. 2016, 164: 319-328.
- Wei, Haiqiao; Feng, Dengquan; Pan, Mingzhang; Pan, JiaYing; Rao, XiaoKang; Gao, Dongzhi. Experimental investigation on the knocking combustion characteristics of n-butanol gasoline blends in a DISI engine. Applied Energy. 2016, 175: 346-355.
- Pan, Jiaying; Zhao, Peng; Law, Chung K; Wei, Haiqiao. A predictive Livengood–Wu correlation for two-stage ignition. International Journal of Engine Research. 2016, 17: 825-835.
- Pan, Jiaying; Shu, Gequn; Wei, Haiqiao; Pan, Mingzhang. Hydrogen addition effect on a reaction front propagation in NTC-affected auto-igniting mixture. international journal of hydrogen energy. 2015, 40: 12522-12530.
- Pan, Jiaying; Shu, Gequn; Wei, Haiqiao. Research on in-cylinder pressure oscillation characteristic during knocking combustion in spark-ignition engine. Fuel. 2014, 120: 150-157.
- Pan, Jiaying; Shu, Gequn; Wei, Haiqiao. Interaction of flame propagation and pressure waves during knocking combustion in spark-ignition engines. Combustion Science and Technology. 2014, 186: 192-209.
- Pan, Mingzhang; Shu, Gequn; Pan, Jiaying; Wei, Haiqiao; Feng, Dengquan; Guo, Yubin; Liang, Youcai. Performance comparison of 2-methylfuran and gasoline on a spark-ignition engine with cooled exhaust gas recirculation. Fuel. 2014, 132: 36-43.