- 教师名称:周笑艳
- 教师拼音名称:Zhou Xiaoyan
- 出生日期:1990-09-09
- 性别:女
- 职务:特聘研究员
- 学科:光学工程
- 职称:副教授
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X. Zhou*, P. Lodahl, L. Midolo*, “In-plane resonant excitation of quantum dots in a dual-mode photonic-crystal waveguide with high β-factor,” Quantum Sci. Technol. 7, 025023 (2022)
上一条:B. Da Lio, C. Faurby, X. Zhou, M.L. Chan, R. Uppu, H. Thyrrestrup, S. Scholz, A. D. Wieck, A. Ludwig, P. Lodahl, and L. Midolo, A Pure and Indistinguishable Single-Photon Source at Telecommunication Wavelength. Advanced Quantum Technologies, 5(5), p.2200006 (2022) 下一条:X. Chang, H. Zhang, Z. Ma, X. Zhou*, and L. Zhang*, "Mid-infrared Ge-based thermo-optic phase shifters with an improved figure of merit," Opt. Mater. Express 12, 1055-1064 (2022)