


Date of Birth:1989-12-13

Selected Papers

22) ZhiWang, Haoye Liu, Jun Zhang, Jianxin Wang, Shijin Shuai. Performance, combustionand emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with polyoxymethylenedimethyl ethers (PODE3-4)/ diesel blends. Energy Procedia, v 75, p 2337-2344,2015, Clean, Efficient and Affordable Energy for a Sustainable Future: 7thInternational Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2015.


Translation or Not:no

Pre One:2) ZhirongLiang, Zhenhong Yu, Haoye Liu, et al. Combustionand emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine burning a widerange of conventional hydrocarbon and alternative fuels. Energy 2022,250(6):123717.

Next One:21) JianxinWang, Haoye Liu, Zhi Wang, Shijin Shuai. Combustion and emissioncharacteristics of direct injection compression ignition engine fueled withwide distillation fuel (WDF). Energy Procedia, v 75, p 2379-2387, 2015, Clean,Efficient and Affordable Energy for a Sustainable Future: 7th International.

Personal Profile

Personal Homepage:http://me.tju.edu.cn/faculty_teachers.action?cla=5&teacherid=2085

2021.08-now State key lab of engines, Tianjin University, Associate professor 

2018.03- 2021.07 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham,  Research Fellow

2017.07-2018.02 School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University,Postdoc

2012.08-2017.07 School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University,Doctor Degree

2008.09-2012.06 School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University,  Bachelor Degree