- 教师名称:宋悦
- 教师拼音名称:Song Yue
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
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博士,硕士生导师,山东日照人。长期从事波浪与海岸结构相互作用、沉管隧道管节浮运系泊安装技术、柔性网具结构水动力学、海上浮式防撞系统性能优化等领域研究,对自近岸至深、远海多种复杂浮体系统的动力响应开展理论分析、模型实验及数值模拟研究并取得多项创新性研究成果。 在隧道工程顶级期刊《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、海洋工程顶级期刊《Ocean Engineering》等国际 SCI 检索期刊发表论文20余篇。目前,主持国家自然科学青年基金1项、国家重点实验室开放基金1项和2项高校委托科研项目,以技术骨干参与国家自然科学基金项目2项以及企事业单位委托工程项目10余项。
- Zhang, Y., Song, Y., Shen, C., & Chen, N. Z. (2023). Aerodynamic and structural analysis for blades of a 15MW floating offshore wind turbine. Ocean Engineering, 287, 115785.
- Sun, Z., Song, Y.*, Guan, L., Huang, G., & Zhang, N. (2022). Dynamic responses of a flexible floating modular system subjected to ship impact. Ocean Engineering, 264, 112520.
- Sun, Z., Song, Y., Xie, M., Hou, Z., & Wang, H. (2022). Dynamic responses of a novel floating tapered trash blocking net system due to wave-current combination. Ocean Engineering, 266, 113141.
- Sun, Z. , Song, Y. *, Tian, Y. , Huang, G. , & Zhang, N. . (2022). Hydrodynamic characteristics of a flexible floating anti-collision system under beam and oblique irregular waves. Ocean engineering,111107
- Yue Song.Yue Song, Yang Qu, NianzhongChen*, A.V.Metrikine. Effect of immersion depth on the coupled dynamics of a tunnel-rigs system in irregular waves. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2021, 115(6), 104068..Tunnelling and Un....2021
- Yue Song.Yue Song, Nianzhong Chen*, Ningchuan Zhang. Coupled motion characteristics of a large-scale tunnel element suspended by immersion rigs in the vicinity of seabed. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 110, 103804..Tunnelling and Un....2021
- Yue Song, Zhenxiang Sun, Guoxing Huang, Nianzhong Chen*. Coupled dynamics investigation of a tunnel immersion system under beam and oblique waves. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 217(10):107892.
- Zhenxiang Sun,Guoxing Huang,Ningchuan Zhang,Yue Song*. Investigation on Motion Responses of a Flexible Floating Anti-collision System with Connected Horizontal Buoys. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2020, 30(2):171-176.
- Guoxing Huang,Zhenxiang Sun,Yue Song*,Ningchuan Zhang. Effect of motions on the performance and mooring tension of a floating pontoon-type breakwater. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2020(8):1-15.
- Yue Song,Zhenxiang Sun,Guoxing Huang,Nianzhong Chen*, Xifeng Gao. An experimental investigation on the effect of the ballasting on the coupled dynamics of the tunnel immersion system. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 190:106412.
- Guoxing Huang,Yue Song*,Zhenxiang Sun,Ningchuan Zhang. Experimental investigation on the coupling between immersion rig and tunnel element during freeboard elimination. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 186:106068.
- Yue Song,Ningchuan Zhang,Guoxing Huang*,Zhenxiang Sun. Experimental study on motions of tunnel element during immersion standby stage in long wave regime. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 161:29-46.
- Guoxing Huang*,Yue Song,Ningchuan Zhang,Xianying Shi. Experimental study of optimizing the mooring configuration of the tunnel-pontoons system. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2017, 27(03): 301-309.
- Yue Song,Guoxing Huang*,Ningchuan Zhang,Yuguo Pei. Experimental study on the mooring tension of tunnel element during immersion standby. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 112: 25-32,
- Huang Guoxing*,Law A Wing-Keung,Song Yue,Zhang Ningchuan,Lin Liyang. Motion response of immersing tunnel element under random waves. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2016, 11(6): 561-574.
- Yue Song,Guoxing Huang*,Yuguo Pei,Ningchuan Zhang,Yongxue Wang. Experimental study on the hoist tensions between the immersing tunnel element and floating pontoons under irregular waves. Coastal Engineering Journal, 2015,57(04):155022.
- Yue Song,Guoxing Huang*,Yuguo Pei,Xianying Shi,Ningchuan Zhang,Liyang Lin.Dynamic Responses of Immersing Tunnel Element During Freeboard Elimination. International Journal of Offshore & Polar Engineering, 2014, 24(4):262-268.
- Yue Song,Ningchuan Zhang, Guoxing Huang*,Zhenxiang Sun. Experimental study on the motion of the coupled tunnel-pontoons system during ballasting. The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2018, Sapporo, Japan.
- Yue Song,Guoxing Huang*, Ningchuan Zhang,Yuguo Pei,Yongxue WangOptimal Mooring Configuration for tunnel element during Immersion Standby. The 36th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress, 2015, Hague, The Netherlands.
- 2016.9-2017.9 代尔夫特理工大学 Faculty of Civil Engineering/Offshore Engineering Exchange study
- 2007.8-2011.6 大连理工大学 港口航道及海岸工程 本科
- 2011.9-2019.3 大连理工大学 港口海岸及近海工程 博士
2022.4 - 至今
2019.6 -2022.3