Zhuozhi Chen#, Yunjie Xiao#, Gert Weber, Ren Wei, Zefang Wang*. Yeast cell surface display of bacterial PET hydrolase as a sustainable biocatalyst for the degradation of polyethylene terephthalate. Methods in Enzymology, 2021, Volume 648, Chapter 21.
上一条:Haofeng Wang#, Yunjie Xiao#, Xia Chen#, et al.. Crystal structures of Wolbachia CidA and CidB reveal determinants of bacteria-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility and rescue. Nature communications. 2022, 13(1):1608.
下一条:Kunpeng Wang#, Yunjie Xiao#, Yanyan Wang, Yaqing Feng, Cheng Chen, Jie Zhang, Qian Zhang, Shuxian Meng*, Zefang Wang* & HaitaoYang. Self-assembled hydrophobin for producing water-soluble and membrane permeable fluorescent dye, Scientific Reports, 2016, 15;6:23061.