
Associate professor  


Selected Papers

Elastic porous microspheres/extra cellular matrix hydrogel injectable composites releasing dual bio-factors enable tissue regeneration


Journal:Nature communications

All the Authors:Li Yi#, Liu Siyang#, Zhang JingJing#, Wang Yumeng, Lu Hongjiang, Zhang Yuexi, Song Guangzhou, Niu Fanhua, Shen Yufan, Midgley C. Adam, Li Wen*, Kong Deling*, Zhu Meifeng*

First Author:Li Yi

Indexed by:Applied Research

Correspondence Author:Li Wen, Kong Deling, Zhu Meifeng


Page Number:1-21

Translation or Not:no

CN No.:null

Next One:Engineering injectable and highly interconnected porous silk fibroin microspheres for tissue regeneration