Journal:The Ocean Enigneering
Place of Publication:南京
Abstract:Numerical experiments were carried out using the open-source SPH software DualSPHysics to study the placement and stability of Accropode armor blocks on rubble mound breakwater. Based on the existing open source SPH software DualSPHysics, a module with function of armor block placing was developed, and the placement effect of armor block was evaluated. Armor blocks can be placed according to a prescribed placement density. After the block placement was finished, the motion and forcing response of the armor blocks under regular wave action were studied in a numerical wave numerical flume. The t
All the Authors:SHaowu Li, Jiahan Wang, Ye Liu
First Author:Shaowu Li
Indexed by:Development research
Correspondence Author:SHaowu Li
Page Number:2-15
Translation or Not:no
CN No.:null