- 教师名称:孙津生
- 教师拼音名称:Sun Jinsheng
- 出生日期:1967-03-30
- 性别:男
- 学科:Process Systems Engineering / Process Intensification / Thermocatalytic Pyrolysis Dehydrogenation / Metal Nanomaterials / Machine Learning & Intelligent Optimization Algorithms
- 职称:副教授
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1. PI (过程强化)
2. PSE (过程系统工程技术)
3. 纳米合成&热解用于绿色生物燃料炼制
4. 机器学习&人工智能优化算法
- Hao Lyu.Population-distributed stochastic optimization for distillation processes: Implementation and distribution strategy.Chemical Engineer....2021
- Lu Jin.Simultaneous process parameters and heat integration optimization for industrial organosilicon production.Separation and Pu....2021
- Xiaodong Zhang.A self-adaptive multi-objective dynamic differential evolution algorithm and its application in chemical engineering.Applied Soft Comp....2021
- Xiaodong Zhang.A systematic process synthesis method towards sustainable extractive distillation processes with pre-concentration for separating the binary minimum azeotropes.Chemical Engineer....2020
- Baiwen Kong.Optimal design and effective control of Kaibel column with liquid-only transfer streams for quaternary distillation.Separation and Pu....2020
- Hui Chen.Selective hydrogenation of phenol for cyclohexanone: A review.Journal of Indust....2020
- Hao Lyu.Superstructure modeling and stochastic optimization of side-stream extractive distillation processes for the industrial separation of benzene/ cyclohexane/cyclohexene.Separation and Pu....2020
- Chengtian Cui.Electrical-driven self-heat recuperative pressure-swing azeotropic distillation to minimize process cost and CO2 emission: Process electrification and simultaneous optimization.Energy,195(2020)
- Chengtian Cui.Eliminating the vapor split in dividing wall columns through controllable double liquid-only side-stream distillation configuration.Separation and Pu...,116837
- Siyao Liu.Optimal integration of methanol-to-gasoline process with organic Rankine cycle.Chemical Engineer...,154
- Chengtian Cui.Cui C, Sun J*: Rigorous design and simultaneous optimization of extractive distillation systems considering the effect of column pressures[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2019, 139: 68-77..Chemical Engineer...,139
- Chengtian Cui.Cui C, Zhang X, Sun J*: Design and optimization of energy-efficient liquid-only side-stream distillation configurations using stochastic algorithm[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019..Chemical Engineer...
- Chengtian Cui.Cui C, Xi Z, Liu S, Sun J*: An enumeration-based synthesis framework for multi-effect distillation processes[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 144: 216-227..Chemical Engineer...,144
- Hongdan Wang, Chengtian Cui,.Wang H, Cui C, Lyu H, Sun J*: Design and economic evaluation of energy-saving industrial distillation processes for separating close-boiling cyclohexanone-cyclohexanol mixture[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 211: 279-289..Separation and Pu...,211
- Zhijun Xi.Xi Z, Cui C, Chen J, Liu S, Sun J*: Design of a Fully Heat-Integrated Pressure-Swing Distillation for Close-Boiling Separation[J]. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2018, 69..CHEMICAL ENGINEER...,69
- Jincai Chen.Chen J, Cui C, Liu S, Xi Z, Sun J*: Design of an Energy Saving ACN-based Butadiene Production Process by Using Dividing Wall Columns[J]. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2018, 69..CHEMICAL ENGINEER...
- Fenggang Cui.Cui F, Cui C, Sun J*: Simultaneous Optimization of Heat-Integrated Extractive Distillation with a Recycle Feed Using Pseudo Transient Continuation Models[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(45): 15423-15436..Industrial & Engi...,57
- Chengtian Cui.Cui C, Liu S, Sun J*: Optimal selection of operating pressure for distillation columns[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 137: 291-307..Chemical Engineer...
- Jinsheng Sun.Sun J*, Zhang Z, Cui C, T Li, S Fu: Influence of Orifice Position Deviations on Distribution Performance of Gravity-Type Liquid Distributor Analyzed Through Mathematical Pathway[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2018, 24(2): 152-159..Transactions of T...
- Siyao Liu.Liu S, Cui C, He J, Sun J*: Feasibility assessment of a novel refrigeration FCC gas plant driven by self waste heat[J]. Energy, 2018, 145: 356-366..Energy
- Jinsheng Sun.Sun J*, Wei D, Lv H: Morphological Control of Gold Nanoparticles by Green Synthesis Using l-Tryptophan and Other Additives[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2018, 24(1): 16-24..Transactions of T...
- Xingang Lia. Li X, Cui C, Sun J*: Enhanced product quality in lubricant type vacuum distillation unit by implementing dividing wall column[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2018, 123: 1-11..Chemical Engineer...
- Tianpei Li. Li T, Fu S, Zhang Z, Sun J*: Utilizing heat sinks for further energy efficiency improvement in multiple heat integrated five-column methanol distillation scheme[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2017, 121: 65-70..Chemical Engineer...
- Siyao Liu. Liu S, Cui C, Sun J*: A novel synergistic 4-column methanol distillation process[J]. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 937-942..Chemical Engineer...
- Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Li X, Guo D, Sun J*: Towards energy efficient styrene distillation scheme: From grassroots design to retrofit[J]. Energy, 2017, 134: 193-205..Energy
- Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Sun J*, Li X: A hybrid design combining double-effect thermal integration and heat pump to the methanol distillation process for improving energy efficiency[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2017, 119: 81-92..Chemical Engineer...
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J*, Yang J, Shi M: Review of denitrogenation of algae biocrude produced by hydrothermal liquefaction[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2017, 23(4): 301-314..Transactions of T...
- Sheng Fu. Fu S, Yang J, Shi M, Wei D, Yin H, Sun J*, He J: Re-express hydrothermal liquefaction bio-crude in petroleum way[J]. Fuel, 2017, 191: 164-169..Fuel
- Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Sun J*: Coupling design of interunit heat integration in an industrial crude distillation plant using pinch analysis[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 117: 145-154..Applied Thermal E...
- Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Li X, Sui H, Sun J*: Quick decision-making for close-boiling distillation schemes[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(17): 5078-5091..Industrial & Engi...
- Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Li X, Sui H, Sun J*: Optimization of coal-based methanol distillation scheme using process superstructure method to maximize energy efficiency[J]. Energy, 2017, 119: 110-120..Energy
- Sun Jinsheng. Sun Jinsheng, Li Tianpei, Shi Ming, Yin Hong, Gao Hong: Research on pyrolysis of biocrude for light olefins[J].Chemical Industry And Engineering Progress,2017,36(12):4430-4435..Chemical Industry...
- Yin Hong. Yin Hong, Gao Hong, Sun Jinsheng*, Cao Xijia: Preparation and research on porous heat resistant Au@ NiO[J].Modern Chemical Industry,2017,37(09):110-113..Modern Chemical I...
- Chengtian Cui. Cui C, Yin H, Yang J, Wei D, Sun J*, Guo C: Selecting suitable energy-saving distillation schemes: Making quick decisions[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2016, 107: 138-150..Chemical Engineer...
- Shuo Shi. Shi S, Tan W, Sun J*: Progress in kinetic predictions for complex reaction of hydrocarbons: from mechanism studies to industrial applications[J]. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2016, 32(3): 363-378..Reviews in Chemic...
- Sun Jinsheng. Sun J*, Dai L, Ma T, Guo C, Wei H, Li Z: Design-oriented thermodynamic analysis of novel heat-integrated C5 isomeride distillation scheme on pilot scale[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2016, 22(1): 77-82..Transactions of T...
- Sun Jinsheng. Sun J*, Shi M, Wang W: Ethanol-water near-azeotropic mixture dehydration by compound starch-based adsorbent[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2015, 21(5): 427-432..Transactions of T...
- Hong Gao. Gao H, Ma J, Gao L, Yu D, Sun J*: Thermal cycling aging effects on the ratcheting behavior of anisotropic conductive film[J]. Soldering &Surface Mount Technology, 2015, 27(4): 185-194..Soldering &Surfac...
- Shuo Shi,. Shi S, Tan W, Liu L, Sun J*: Olefin profile prediction of naphtha pyrolysis using a feeding-independent continuous lumping method with mechanism analysis[J]. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2015, 112: 150-163..Journal of analyt...
- PENG WU. Wu P, Gao H, Sun J*, JiY: Characterization of biomass adsorbent ZSG-1 through isopropanol and water azeotrope dehydration[J]. Chemical Engineering Communications, 2015, 202(2): 252-259..Chemical Engineer...
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Dai L, Shi M, Gao H, Cao X, Liu G: Further optimization of a parallel double-effect organosilicon distillation scheme through exergy analysis[J]. Energy, 2014, 69: 370-377..Energy
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Luo X, Jiang S, Wang W, Lyu H, Wang P,Gao H: Computational Fluid Dynamics Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Cross‐Orthogonal Fixed‐Valve Tray[J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, 37(3): 383-391..Chemical Engineer...
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang W, Wang P, Luo X,ShiM, Gao H, Ren X: Biosorptive distillations to purify isopropanol: improvements over the current process in terms of energy consumption and exergy[J]. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 9(2): 293-302..Asia‐Pacific Jou...
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang W, Wang P, H Lv, Luo X, Gao H: Characterization of a Compound Starch-Based Adsorbent for Alcohol—Water Azeotrope Dehydration[J]. Adsorption Science & Technology, 2013, 31(9): 829-843..Adsorption Scienc...
- Xubo Luo. Luo X, Sun J*, Ren J, Gao H, Li L, Pan C: CFD Simulation of a Large-diameter Combined Gas Distributor[C]// International Conference on Simulation & Modeling Methodologies. 2013..International Con...
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang P, Gao H, Wang F: Paralleled Double-Effect Distillation: Simulative Case Studies[J].
- Jing Li. Li J, Cai F, Lv H, Sun J*: Selective competitive biosorption of Au (III) and Cu (II) in binary systems by Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense[J]. Separation Science and Technology, 2013, 48(6): 960-967..Separation Scienc...
- Chunmei Gong. Gong C, Gao H, Wu P, Sun J*,Li J: Hybrid distillation-biomass adsorption process for isopropanol–water azeotrope separation[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013, 8(1): 77-84..Asia-Pacific Jour...
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang F, Ma T, Gao H, Liu Y, Cai F: Exergy analysis of a parallel double-effect organosilicon monomer distillation scheme[J]. Energy, 2012, 47(1): 498-504..Energy,
- Jinsheng Sun. Sun J, Wang F, Ma T, Gao H, Wu P, Liu Y: Energy and exergy analysis of a five-column methanol distillation scheme[J]. Energy, 2012, 45(1): 696-703..Energy
- Yue Cui. Cui Y, Gao H, Sun J*, Wang Y, Chen X, Jiang S: Numerical simulation of gas–solid flow in a conveying vessel[J]. Powder technology, 2012, 226: 34-42..Powder technology
- Yanzhen Liu. Liu Y, Gao H, Sun J*: Simulative Model and Multicriteria Optimization of Truss Beam in Super-Large Columns at High Temperature[C]//SIMULTECH. 2012: 177-181..SIMULTECH.
- Shi S. Shi S, Wang Y, Sun J*, Tan W: Different distillation scheme options for light and heavy oil: Thermodynamic analysis with pre-flashing or pre-fractionation unit[C]//ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2012, 243..[C]//ABSTRACTS OF...
- Shuo Jiang,. Jiang S, Gao H, Sun J*, Wang Y, Zhang L: Modeling fixed triangular valve tray hydraulics using computational fluid dynamics [J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2012, 52: 74-84..Chemical Engineer...
- Peng Wu,. Wu P, Gao H, Sun J*, Ma T, Liu Y, Wang F: Biosorptive dehydration of tert-butyl alcohol using a starch-based adsorbent: Characterization and thermodynamics[J]. Bioresource technology, 2012, 107: 437-443..Bioresource techn...
- Fang Cai. Cai F, Li J, Sun J*, Ji Y: Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles by biosorption using Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1[J]. Chemical engineering journal, 2011, 175: 70-75..Chemical engineer...
- Yue Liu. Liu Y, Gao H, Sun J*, Wang Y, Wu P, Liu Y, Ji Y: Novel packing-enhanced distillation separation of isoamyl alcohol isomer: Experimental and pilot scale study[J]. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57(11): 3037-3041..[J]. AIChE Journa...
- He Jie. Jie H, Jia ML, Tan CB, Sun JS*: Hydrodynamic characters of co-current operation for SO2 absorption in a laboratory packed column[J]. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 28(11): 2190-2195..Korean Journal of...
- Yanhong Wang. Wang Y, Hou Y, Gao H, Sun J* , Xu S: Selecting the optimum predistillation scheme for heavy crude oils [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(18): 10549-10556. .Industrial & Engi...
- Yulan Ji,. Ji Y, Gao H, Sun J*, Cai F: Experimental probation on the binding kinetics and thermodynamics of Au (III) onto Bacillus subtilis[J]. Chemical engineering journal, 2011, 172(1): 122-128..Chemical engineer...
- Lining Zhang,. Zhang L, Zhao D, Wu P, Sun J*, Liu Y, Ji Y, Jiang S: Simulative Programming of a Hybrid Washing Oil Separation Scheme for Pure Chemicals[C]//SIMULTECH. 2011: 425-428..SIMULTECH
- Yanhong Wang. Wang Y, Gao H, Sun J*, Li J, Su Y, Ji Y, Gong C: Selective reinforced competitive biosorption of Ag (I) and Cu (II) on Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense[J]. Desalination, 2011, 270(1-3): 258-263..Desalination
- Yulan Ji. Ji Y, Wang Y, Sun J*, Yan T, Li J, Zhao T, Yin X: Enhancement of biological treatment of wastewater by magnetic field[J]. Bioresource technology, 2010, 101(22): 8535-8540..Bioresource techn...
- Yanhong Wang. Wang Y, Gong C, Sun J*, Gao H, Zheng S, Xu S: Separation of ethanol/water azeotrope using compound starch-based adsorbents[J]. Bioresource technology, 2010, 101(15): 6170-6176..Bioresource techn...
- Song Huiping. Song Huiping, Li Xingang, Sun Jinsheng*, Wu Zhenhua: Treatment of wastewater containing Pd(Ⅱ) and Al(Ⅲ) by biosorption-magnetic separation method[J]. Chemical Engineering (China),2008(10):5-8..Chemical Engineer...
- SONG Huiping. Huiping S, Xingang L I, Jinsheng S*, Xiaohong Yin, Yanhong Wang , Zhenhua Wu:Biosorption equilibrium and kinetics of Au (III) and Cu (II) on magnetotactic bacteria[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 15(6): 847-854..Chinese Journal o...
- Menglei Zhu,. Zhu M, Sun J*, Tian YF, Ren M: Design and application of a highly efficient separation technology for C9 arenes[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 2(4): 278-281..Asia-Pacific Jour...
- Song Huiping. Song Huiping, Li Xingang, Sun Jinsheng*, Wu Zhenhua, Yin Xiaohong: Treatment of wastewater containing Au3+ Ions using the anaerobic activated sludge [J].Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities,2007(05):853-858..Journal of Chemic...
- Song Huiping. Song Huiping, Li Xingang, Sun Jinsheng*, Wang Yanhong, Yin Xiaohong: A novel technology for treatment of wastewater containing Cr() ions[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering,2007(10):22-26..Chinese Journal o...
- Liu Liyan. Liu Liyan, Li Xingang, Sun Jinsheng*: Removal of cadmium by electro-intensified combined bioadsorption [J]. Environmental Chemistry,2007(02):168-170..Environmental Che...
- Wang Licheng. Wang Licheng, Sun Jinsheng*: Simulation of separation of coal tar[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Process,2007(02):281-283..Chemical Industry...
- Song Huiping. Song Huiping, Li Xingang,SunJinsheng*, Wu Zhenghua. Study on adsorption of metal ions by magnetotactic bacteria [J]. Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology,2006(06):486-491..Chemical Reaction...
- Ji Zhiyong. Ji Zhiyong,Li Xingang, Su Xiaoye, Sun Jinsheng*: Isolation , Identification and Degradation Characteristics of MethylTert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-Degradation Strain [J].Journal of petrochemical universities,2006(04):40-43..Journal of petroc...
- Wang Yanhong. Wang Yanhong, Sun Jinsheng*: Technology for adsorption of Pb2+by magnetotactic bacteria[J]. Chemical Engineering (China),2006(06):1-3..Chemical Engineer...
- Wu Zhenhua,. Wu Zhenhua, Sun Jinsheng*, Song Huiping, Li Xingang: Studies on adsorption of palladium (Ⅱ) by magnetotactic bacteria(MTB)[J]. Ion Exchange and Adsorption,2006(05):385-391..Ion Exchange and ...
- Ji Zhiyong. Ji Zhiyong, LI Xingang, Sun Jinsheng*,Su Xiaoye: Aerating technology for treatment of contaminated water by using aerobic microbes [J]. Shanghai Environmental Science,2006(04):170-173..Shanghai Environm...
- Ji Zhiyong. Ji Zhiyong,Li Xingang, Sun Jinsheng*: Study on the Application of Carbon Materials to Water Treatment [J].Materials Review, 2006, 7(20):84-87..Materials Review
- Wang Jun. Wang Jun, Sun Jinsheng*: Simultaneous determination of pentachlorophenol and hexachlorobenzene in river sediments [J]. Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society,2006(02):79-83+89..Journal of Chines...
- Sun Jinsheng;. Sun Jinsheng; Li Xingang; Wang Tao; Zheng Yanmei: Novel packing technologies and their application in China[C]. 2005 AIChE Spring National Meeting, Conference Proceedings, 2005, 1787-1803..Spring National M...
- Wang Yanhong. Wang Yanhong, Sun Jinsheng*: Study on Absorption Cr3+by Micro Aerobe MTB[J]. Journal of guizhou university of technology(Natural Science Edition),2005(01):25-27+30..Journal of guizho...
- JINSHENG SUN. Sun J, Li X:Liquid dispersing features in inner chamber of single VST cap[J]. Chemical Engineering Communications, 2002, 189(9): 1196-1207..Chemical Engineer...
- 2000.9-2005.8 天津大学 化学工程 博士
- 1993.9-1996.3 天津大学 化学工程 硕士
- 1985.9-1989.7 天津大学 化学工程 学士
2013.6 -2014.8
2001.9 -2009.10
1992.7 -2020.11
1989.7 -1992.7