- 教师名称:唐晨
- 教师拼音名称:Tang Chen
- 出生日期:1963-11-06
- 性别:女
- 职称:教授
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- Xiaoyu Li,Chen Tang(*),Xinjun Zhu,Biyuan Li,Linlin Wang,Xiusheng Yan,Image/video encryption using single shot digital holography,Optics Communications,2015,342:218-223. 2017
- Xinjun Zhu,Chen Tang(*),Hongwei Ren,Chen Sun,Si Yan,Image decomposition model BL-Hilbert-L2 for dynamic thermal measurements of the printed circuit board with a chip by ESPI,Optics and Laser Technology,2014,63:125-131. 2017
- Xia Chen,Chen Tang(*),Xiusheng Yan,Switching degenerate diffusion PDE filter based on impulselike probability for universal impulse noise removal,AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2014,68(9):851-857。. 2017
- Xinjun Zhu,Chen Tang(*),Biyuan Li,Chen Sun,Linlin Wang,Phase retrieval from single frame projection fringe pattern with variational image decomposition,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2014,59:25-33. 2017
- Wang Linlin.(*),Chen Tang,ESPI filtering method based on radial basis function,Acta Optical Sinica,2014,34:s2100061-s2100067. 2017
- Wu J.(*),Chen Tang,Random-valued impulse noise removal using fuzzy weighted non-local means,Signal,Image and Video Processing,2014,8(2):349-355. 2017
- Mi Qinghua,Yan Si,Tang Chen(*),Numerous possible oriented partial differential equations and investigation of their performance for optical interferometry fringes denoising,Applied Optics,2013,52(35):8439-8450. 2017
- Tang Chen(*),Yang Na,Yan Haiqing,Yan Xiusheng,The new second-order single oriented partial differential equations for optical interferometry fringes with high density,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2013,51(6):707-715. 2017
- Zhu Xinjun,Chen Zhanqing,Tang Chen(*),Mi Qinghua,Yan Xiusheng,Application of two oriented partial, differential equation filtering models on speckle fringes with poor quality and their numerically fast algorithms,Applied Optics,2013,52(9):1814-1823. 2017
- Zhu Xinjun,Chen Zhanqing,Tang Chen(*),Variational image decomposition for automatic background and noise removal of fringe patterns,Optics Letters,2013,38(3):275-277. 2017
- Tang Chen(*),Wang Linlin,Yan Haiqing,Li Cancan,Comparison on performance of some representative and recent filtering methods in electronic speckle pattern interferometry,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2012,50(8):1036-1051. 2017
- Tang Chen(*),Wang Linlin,Yan Haiqing,Overview of anisotropic filtering methods based on partial differential equations for electronic speckle pattern interferometry,Applied Optics,2012,51(20):4916-4926. 2017
- Wu Jian,Tang Chen(*),A new filter for the removal of random-valued impulse noise from highly corrupted images,AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2012,66(10):847-854. 2017
- Cheng Liyan,Tang Chen(*),Yan Si,Chen Xia,Wang Linlin,Wang Bo,New fourth-order partial differential equations for filtering in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes,Optics Communications,2011,284(24):5549-5555. 2017
- Wu Jian,Tang Chen(*),An efficient decision-based and edge-preserving method for salt-and-pepper noise removal,Pattern Recognition Letters,2011,32(15):1974-1981. 2017