Gao Xin
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Professional Title
Chemical Engineering
Contact Information
Room D214, 50 Building, Tianjin University (Peiyang Campus)
Education Background
- Bachelor’s Degree| Shenyang University of Technology| Chemical Engineering and Technology| 2006
- Master’s Degree| Tianjin University| Chemical Engineering| 2008
- Doctoral degree| Tianjin University| Chemical Engineering| 2011
Research Interests
- Microwave
- Process Intensification
- Separation
- Fossil Energy Refining
- Process System Engineering
Professional Membership
- SCI期刊《Separation and Purification Technology》青年编委
- Editorial Board for Journal of Engineering Thermophysics since October 2019.
- Topic Editor for Frontiers in Chemistry.
- 中国化工学会微波能化工应用专业委员会委员
- 中国化工学会化工过程强化专业委员会青年委员
Positions & Employments
 National Engineering Research Center of Distillation Technology in China  -
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology | Tianjin University 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] 1、 Peng Yan, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Yuanyuan Shao, Hui Zhang, Xin Gao*. Hydrodynamics and mechanism of hydrophobic foam column tray: contact angle hysteresis effect. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(1): e16793.
- [2] 2、 Kai Zhao, Zhisheng Zhang, Yalan Feng, Shuanglong Lin*, Hong Li*, Xin Gao*. Surface oxygen vacancy modified Bi2MoO6/MIL-88B(Fe) heterostructure with enhanced spatial charge separation at the bulk & interface. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 268: 118740.
- [3] 3、 Hong Li, Jian Na, Haifeng Cong, Liangquan Wu, Lei Zhao, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Thermodynamics foundation and separation process design for production propionic acid from ethanol carbonylation catalyzed by iodide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(13): 6090-6101.
- [4] 4、 Dongyang Li, Ziqi Gao, Naveen Kumar Vasudevan, Hong Li, Xin Gao*, Xingang Li, Li Xi*. A Molecular Mechanism for Azeotrope Formation in Ethanol/Benzene Binary Mixtures Through Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2020, Accepted.
- [5] 5、 Rui Wang, Xingang Li, Jian Na, Yan Wu, Runnan Zhao, Yutao Yan, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Reversible reaction-assisted intensification process for separating ethanediol and 1, 2-butanediol: competitive kinetic study and conceptual design. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 237: 116323.
- [6] 6、 Xin Gao, Qiuyan Ding, Yan Wu, Yilai Jiao*, Jinsong Zhang, Xingang Li, Hong Li*. Kinetic study of esterification over structured ZSM-5 coating catalysts based on fluid flow situations in macrocellular foam materials. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 5: 485-494. (Back Cover Article)
- [7] 7、 Xingang Li, Jinpeng Zhai, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. An integration recycling process for cascade utilization of waste engine oil by distillation and microwave pyrolysis. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 199: 106245.
- [8] 8、 Hong Li, Chunyu Zhang, Chuanrui Pang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*.The advances in the special microwave effects of the heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2020, Accepted.
- [9] 9、 Roman I. Egorov*, Alexander S. Zaitsev, Hong Li, Xin Gao, Pavel A.Strizhak. Intensity dependent features of the light-induced gasification of the waste-derived coal-water compositions. Renewable Energy, 2020, 146: 1667-1675.
- [10] 10、 Zhai Jinpeng, Li Xingang, Li Hong, Gao Xin*. Microwave induced pyrolysis of waste lubricant oil. Modern Chemial Industry, 2020, 40(1): 77-80.
- [11] 11、 Hong Li, Jiahui Liu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Microwave-induced polar/nonpolar mixture separation performance in a film evaporation process. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65(2): 745-754.
- [12] 12、 Zhenwei Han, Yuanyang Ren, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Simultaneous Extractive and Azeotropic Distillation Separation Process for Production of PODEn from Formaldehyde and Methylal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(13): 5252-5260. (Supplementary Cover Article)
- [13] 13、Xingang Li, Rui Wang, Yutao Yan, Runnan Zhao, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Ethylene glycol recovery from 2-ethyl-1,3-dioxolane hydrolysis via reactive distillation: Pilot-scale experiments and process analysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(45): 20746-20757.
- [14] 14、 Hong Li, Chuanhui Wu, Qingyu Zhang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Synthesis of 1,3-dioxolane from aqueous formaldehyde solution and ethylene glycol: Kinetics and reactive distillation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(17): 7025-7036. (Supplementary Cover Article)
- [15] 15、Xin Gao, Yue Zhao, Wei Yuan, Suli Liu, Xingang Li, Hong Li*, Sixiao Wang, Xueshan Lu. Thermodynamics fundamentals and energy efficiency for separation and high-valued utilization of light naphtha from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(21): 9118-9126. (Supplementary Cover Article)
- [16] 16、Ziqi Yang, Yuanqing Wu, Zisheng Zhang, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Roman I. Egorov, Pavel A. Strizhak, Xin Gao*. Recent advances in co-thermochemical conversions of biomass with fossil fuels focusing on the synergistic effects. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 103: 384-398.
- [17] 17、 Hong Li#, Zhenyu Zhao#, Christos Xiouras, Georgios Stefanidis*, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Fundamentals and applications of microwave heating to chemicals separation processes. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 114: 109316.
- [18] 18、 Hong Li, Chunkai Guo, Haichao Guo, Congli Yu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Methodology for design of vapor permeation membrane-assisted distillation processes for aqueous azeotrope dehydration. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 579: 318-328.
- [19] 19、 Xin Gao, Xinshuang Liu, Xingang Li, Peng Yan, Hong Li*. Numerical analysis and optimization of the microwave inductive heating performance of water film. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 139: 17-30.
- [20] 20、 Zhisheng Zhang, Anshi Hong, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Absorption and desorption of liquid film flowing over a porous layer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 108: 104311.
- [21] 21、 Hong Li, Ying Meng, Dandan Shu, Zhenyu Zhao, Yongjin Yang, Jinsong Zhang, Xingang Li, Xiaolei Fan*, Xin Gao*. Breaking the Equilibrium at the Interface: Microwave-Assisted Reactive Distillation (MARD). Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 4(4): 688-694. (Inside Back Cover Article)
- [22] 22、Zisheng Zhang, Kailong Liu, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Alternative integration strategies for energy recovery and simultaneous separation of oil sands pyrolysis products. Fuel, 2019, 249: 400-410.
- [23] 23、 Hong Li, Jing Li, Xiaolei Fan, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Insights into the synergetic effect for co-pyrolysis of oil sands and biomass using microwave irradiation. Fuel, 2019, 239: 219-229.
- [24] 24、 Xingang Li#, Peng Yan#, Sida Zhao, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Fabrication and Hydrodynamics Performance of Modified Sieve Tray with Janus Feature. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 216: 74-82.
- [25] 25、 Xingang Li, Chengtian Cui, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Process synthesis and simulation-based optimization of ethylbenzene/styrene separation using double-effect heat integration and self-heat recuperation technology: A techno-economic analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 228: 115760.
- [26] 26、 Xingang Li, Fangzhou Wang, Duo Zhang, Sai Gu*, Xin Gao*. Fluid-solid interaction simulation for particles and walls of arbitrary polygonal shapes with a coupled LBM-IMB-DEM method. Powder Technology, 2019, 356: 177-192.
- [27] 27、 Xingang Li, Chengtian Cui, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Process Synthesis and Simultaneous Optimization of Extractive Distillation System Integrated with Organic Rankine Cycle and Economizer for Waste Heat Recovery. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 102: 61-72.
- [28] 28、 Xin Gao, Dandan Shu, Xingang Li, Hong Li*. Improved film evaporator for mechanistic understanding of microwave-induced separation process. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 759-771. (Back Cover Article)
- [29] 29、Xin Gao, Shibin Tu, Xingang Li, Hong Li*. Feasibility evaluation of reactive distillation process for the production of fuel ethanol from methyl acetate hydrotreating. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2019, 139: 34-43.
- [30] 30、 Ying Meng#, Hong Li#, Jing Zeng, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. A novel potential application of SiC ceramic foam material to distillation: Structured corrugation foam packing. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 150: 254-262.
- [31] 31、 Hong Li, Chuanhui Wu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Process Intensification in Vapor-liquid Mass Transfer: The State-of-the-Art. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 27(6): 1236-1246.
- [32] 32、 Zhenyu Zhao, Hong Li, Xingang Li, A. N. Pavlenko, Xin Gao*. Flow Pattern of Miscellaneous Liquids with Varied Flow Rates on Structured Corrugation SiC Foam Packing. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2019, 28(3): 305-312.
- [33] 33、 Anton A. Kiss*, Megan Jobson, Xin Gao. Reactive distillation: Stepping up to the next level of process intensification. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(15): 5909-5918. (Invited Cover Article)
- [34] 34、Li Xingang, Yan Yutao, Wang Rui, Li Hong, Gao Xin*. Reversible reaction-assisted separation technology for synthesis of ethanediol from coal—Kinetics of acetal exchange reaction. Advanced Engineering Sciences, 2019, 51(6): 10-16.
- [35] 35、 Haifeng Cong, Zhenyu Zhao, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Liquid-bridge flow in the channel of helical string and its application to gas-liquid contacting process. AIChE Journal, 2018, 64(9): 3360-3368.
- [36] 36、 Xin Gao, Xinshuang Liu, Xingang Li, Jinsong Zhang, Yongjin Yang, Hong Li*. Continuous Microwave-Assisted Reactive Distillation Column: Pilot-Scale Experiments and Model Validation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 186: 251-264. (Featured Cover Article)
- [37] 37、Peng Yan, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Hydrodynamics and Flow Mechanism of Foam Column Trays: Contact Angle Effect. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 176: 220-232.
- [38] 38、 Hong Li, Zhiqiang Hao, Jaden Murphy, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Experimental Study of Liquid Renewal on the Sheet of Structured Corrugation SiC Foam Packing and Its Dispersion Coefficients. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 180: 11-19.
- [39] 39、 Hong Li, Ying Meng, Chang Shu, Xingang Li, Anton A. Kiss, Xin Gao*. Innovative reactive distillation process for the sustainable synthesis of natural benzaldehyde. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(11): 14114-14124. (Invited Cover Article)
- [40] 40、Xingang Li, Rui Wang, Jian Na, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Reversible reaction-assisted intensification process for separating the azeotropic mixture of ethanediol and 1,2-butanediol: Reactants screening. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(2): 710-717.
- [41] 41、 Haifeng Cong, Jaden Patrick Murphy, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Feasibility evaluation of a novel middle vapor recompression distillation column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(18): 6317-6329.
- [42] 42、 Hong Li, Zhenyu Zhao, Jie Qin, Rui Wang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Reversible reaction-assisted intensification process for separating the azeotropic mixture of ethanediol and 1,2-butanediol: Vapor-liquid equilibrium and Economic evaluation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(14): 5083-5092.
- [43] 43、 Zisheng Zhang, Xiaolong Ma, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Understanding the pyrolysis progress physical characteristics of Indonesian oil sands by visual experimental investigation. Fuel, 2018, 216: 29-35.
- [44] 44、 Hong Li, Jin Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Esterification of glycerol and acetic acid in a pilot-scale reactive distillation column: Experimental investigation, model validation, and process analysis. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, 89: 56-66.
- [45] 45、 Zisheng Zhang, Yuanqing Wu, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. A simple step-change method to determine mean residence time in rotary kiln and a predictive model at low inclination. Powder Technology, 2018, 333: 30-37.
- [46] 46、 Xingang Li, Xinwei Yang, Qiang Shi, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Significantly enhanced vapor-liquid mass transfer in distillation process based on carbon foam ring random packing. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2018, 124: 245-254.
- [47] 47、 Hong Li, Peng Zhou, Ji Zhang, Dongyang Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. A theoretical guide for screening ionic liquid extractants applied in the separation of a binary alcohol-ester azeotrope through a DFT method. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 251: 51-60.
- [48] 48、 Hong Li, Qiang Shi, Xinwei Yang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Characterization of Novel Carbon Foam Corrugated Structured Packings with Varied Corrugation Angle. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 41(1): 182-191.
- [49] 49、 Hong Li, Peng Shi, Xiaolei Fan*, Xin Gao*. Understanding the influence of microwave on the relative volatility used in the pyrolysis of Indonesia oil sands. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(7): 1485-1492.
- [50] 50、 Hong Li, Fang Yi, Xingang Li, A.N. Pavlenko, Xin Gao*. Numerical Simulation for Falling Film Flow Characteristics of Refrigerant on the Smooth and Structured Surfaces. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2018, 27(1): 1-19.
- [51] 51、 A N Pavlenko, V E Zhukov, N I Pecherkin, A D Nazarov, E Yu Slesareva, Xingang Li, Hong Sui, Hong Li, Xin Gao. Efficiency of mixture separation in a large-scale model of distillation column at periodic packing irrigation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1105 (1), 012045.
- [52] 52、 A N Pavlenko, V E Zhukov, N I Pecherkin, A D Nazarov, E Yu Slesareva, Xingang Li, Hong Sui, Hong Li, Xin Gao. Dynamics of a change in the local density of liquid flow rate and efficiency of mixture separation at periodic irrigation of the structured packing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1128 (1), 012047.
- [53] 53、 Gao Xin, Zhao Yue, Li Hong*, Li Xingang. Review of basic and application investigation of reactive distillation technology for process intensification. CIESC Journal, 2018, 69(1): 218-238.
- [54] 54、 Li Hong, Meng Ying, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. State-of-the-arts review of the research process for distillation process intensification technology. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2018, 37(4):1212-1228.
- [55] 55、 Li Hong, Xiao Caichun, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Study on esterification kinetics of n-amyl acetate synthesis and catalytic distillation simulation. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2018, 37(11):4143-4149.
- [56] 56、 Li Hong, Liu Jiahui, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Development of thin film evaporator for microwave field and study on flowing performance of liquid film. Modern Chemical Industry, 2018, 38(10): 180-184.
- [57] 57、 Tian Chong, Yang Zhenming, Gao Xin, Zhang Jinsong*. Properties of silicon carbide foam structured packing and its application in production of PTA. Modern Chemical Industry, 2018, 38(3): 192-195.
- [58] 58、 Hong Li, Junjie Cui, Jiahui Liu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Mechanism of the effects of microwave irradiation on the relative volatility of binary mixtures. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63(4): 1328-1337.
- [59] 59、 Hong Li, Caichun Xiao, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Synthesis of n-amyl acetate in a pilot-plant catalytic distillation column with Seepage Catalytic Packing Internal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(44): 12726–12737.
- [60] 60、 Zisheng Zhang, Hongfei Bei, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Understanding the Co-Pyrolysis Behavior of Indonesian Oil Sands and Corn Straw. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(3): 2538-2547.
- [61] 61、 Xiaolong Ma, Dmitry Ridner, Zisheng Zhang, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Hong Sui, Xin Gao*. Study on vacuum pyrolysis of oil sands by comparison with retorting and nitrogen sweeping pyrolysis. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 163: 51-59.
- [62] 62、 Haifeng Cong, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Jaden Patrick Murphy, Xin Gao*. Performance analysis and structural optimization of multi-tube type heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC). Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 188(29): 303-315.
- [63] 63、 Weijin Huang#, Hong Li#, Rui Wang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Application of the Aldolization Reaction in Separating the Mixture of Ethylene Glycol and 1,2-Butanediol: Kinetics and Reactive Distillation. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2017, 120: 173-183.
- [64] 64、 Hong Li, Ji Zhang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Monte Carlo simulations of vapor-liquid phase equilibrium and microstructure for the system containing azeotropes. Molecular Simulation, 2017, 43(13-16): 1125-1133.
- [65] 65、 Xingang Li, Qiang Shi, Hong Li, Yuebin Yao, A. N. Pavlenko, Xin Gao*. Experimental Characterization of Novel SiC Foam Corrugated Structured Packing with Varied Pore Size and Corrugation Angle. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2017, 26(4): 452-465.
- [66] 66、 Li Hong, Zhang Ji, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Progress in study on thermodynamic properties of phase equilibria using molecular simulation. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2017, 36(8): 2731-2741.
- [67] 67、 Hong Li#, Weijin Huang#, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Application of aldolization reaction in separating the mixture of ethylene glycol and 1,2-butanediol: Thermodynamics and new separation process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(37), 9994–10003.
- [68] 68、 Xingang Li, Peng Yan, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Fabrication of Tunable, Stable and Predictable Superhydrophobic Coatings on Foam Ceramic material. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(38), 10095–10103.
- [69] 69、 Hong Li, Yiming Liu, Xin Gao*, Xingang Li. Preparation and characterization of cassava starch-based adsorbents for separating of azeotropic ethanol-water in biofuels ethanol production. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2016, 91(4): 977-984.
- [70] 70、 Haifeng Cong, Xingang Li, Zhijie Li, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Combination of spiral nozzle and column tray leading to a new direction on the distillation equipment innovation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 158(28): 293-301.
- [71] 71、 Hong Li, Ying Meng, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. A fixed point methodology for the design of reactive distillation columns. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016, 111: 479-491.
- [72] 72、 Xingang Li, Qiaoyu Liu, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Experimental Study on Liquid Flow Behavior in the Holes of SiC Structured Corrugated Sheets. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 64: 39-46.
- [73] 73、 Hong Li#, Haifeng Cong#, Xuan Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Systematic Design of the Integrating Heat Pump into Heat Integrated Distillation Column for Recovering Energy. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 105: 93-104.
- [74] 74、 Xingang Li, Yudong Qiao, Hong Li, Xin Gao*. Life cycle assessment of structured corrugation SiC-foam packing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 133: 54-64.
- [75] 75、 Hong Li, Yan Wu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. State-of-the-Art of Advanced Distillation Technologies in China. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2016, 39(5): 815-833.
- [76] 76、 Haifeng Cong, Chenchen Wang, Hong Li, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*, A. N. Pavlenko. Structure optimization of structured corrugation foam packing by computational fluid dynamics method. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2016, 25(3): 314-326.
- [77] 77、 Xingang Li, Haifeng Cong, Xin Gao, Hong Li*. Investigation and simulation on the performance of the elliptical tray placed in the unconventional “s” shape distillation column. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 60: 44-58.
- [78] 78、 Haifeng Cong, Chenchen Wang, Xin Gao, Xingang Li, Hong Li*, A. N. Pavlenko. Pressure drop simulation of structured corrugation foam packing by computational fluid dynamics. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2016, 25(3): 301-313.
- [79] 79、 Liu Qiaoyu, Gao Xin*, Li Hong, Liquid flow characteristics of structured corrugation SiC-foam packing sheets. CIESC Journal, 2016, 67(8): 3340-3346.
- [80] 80、 Huang Weijin, Li Hong, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Process Simulation and Optimization of Hydrogenation of Methyl Acetate to Ethanol. ACTA Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), 2016, 32(4): 717-724.
- [81] 81、 Li Xuan, Li Hong, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Simulation on heat integrated distillation technology. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2016, 35(1): 48-56.
- [82] 82、 Li Hong, Li Dongyang, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. GEMC simulation and microstructure analysis of vapor-liquid equilibrium for diol mixtures. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2016, 35(9): 2670-2677.
- [83] 83、 Li Hong, Cui Junjie, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Recent developments in microwave-assisted chemical separation processes. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2016, 35(12): 3735-3745.
- [84] 84、 Ma Xiaolong, Zhang Zisheng, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Status and commentary of research and development on oil sand pyrolysis characteristics with technology and equipment. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2016, 35(11): 3484-3490.
- [85] 85、 Li Hong, Ma Xiaohua, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Research progress of reactive distillation process design. Modern Chemical Industry, 2016, 36(12): 132-135.
- [86] 86、Qiao Yudong, Gao Xin, Li Hong, Life cycle cost evaluation of structured corrugation SiC-foam packing. CIESC Journal, 2016, 67(8): 3459-3467.
- [87] 87、 Hong Li, Long Fu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*. Mechanism and analytical models for the gas distribution on the SiC foam monolithic tray. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61(12): 4509-4516.
- [88] 88、 Xin Gao, Xingang Li, Xia Liu, Hong Li*, Zhenming Yang, Jinsong Zhang. A novel potential application of SiC ceramic foam material to distillation: foam monolithic tray. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 135: 489-500.
- [89] 89、 Hong Li, Fangzhou Wang, Chenchen Wang, Xin Gao*, Xingang Li. Liquid flow behavior study in SiC foam corrugated sheet using a novel ultraviolet fluorescence technique coupled with CFD simulation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 123: 341-349.
- [90] 90、 Hong Li, Lei Zhao, Xin Gao*, Xingang Li. Experimental investigation of methyl tert-butyl ether dissolution in saturated porous media. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23(10): 1685-1690.
- [91] 91、 A.N. Pavlenko, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Xin Gao, O.A. Volodin, A.S. Surtaev, V.S. Serdyukov. The influence of the microtexture, corrugation inclination angle, and perforation of corrugated surfaces on the character of liquid spreading. Technical Physics Letters, 2015, 41(8): 774-777.
- [92] 92、 A.N. Pavlenko, Xingang Li, V.E. Zhukov, N.I. Pecherkin, O.A. Volodin, A.S. Surtaev, Xin Gao, Lvhong Zhang, Hong Sui, Hong Li. Effect of dynamically controlled irrigation of a structured packing on mixture separation efficiency. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2015, 24(3): 210-221.
- [93] 93、 Cong Haifeng, Li Hong, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Development and prospect of distillation technology in petroleum refining industry. ACTA Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), 2015, 31(2): 315-324.
- [94] 94、 Li Hong, Meng Ying, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Dynamic simulation and analysis of reactive distillation column for production of amyl acetate. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2015, 34(12): 4165-4171.
- [95] 95、 Li Hong, Huang Weijin, Xiao Caichun, Cong Haifeng, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Experimental study on hydrogenation of methyl acetate to fuel ethanol with copper-based catalyst. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2015, 34(10): 3644-3649.
- [96] 96、 Li Hong, Fu Long, Cong Shan, Gao Xin, Li Xingang. Hydrodynamic performance of new SiC foam valve tray. Chemical Engineering (China), 2015, 43(11): 20-24.
- [97] 97、 Li Hong, Zhao Lei, Gao Xin, Li Xingang, Cong Shan. Effects of different solution on MTBE dissolution in subsurface. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2015, 34(10): 3799-3813.
- [98] 98、 Qin Jie, Gao Xin, Li Xingang, Li Hong. Isobaric VLE data for 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone and 1,2-butanediol system. Modern Chemical Industry, 2015, 35(11): 183-185.
- [99] 99、 Han Zhen, Li Hongda, Gao Xin, Li Xingang, Li Hong. Process Simulation of Separation of Isopropylacetate-Isopropanol Mixture by Pressure Swing Distillation with Heat Integration. Petrochemical Technology, 2015, 44(6): 663-668.
- [100] 100、Xin Gao, Fangzhou Wang, Rui Zhang, Hong Li*, Xingang Li. Liquid flow behavior of a seepage catalytic packing internal for catalytic distillation column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(32): 12793-12801.
- [101] 101、Xin Gao, Fangzhou Wang, Xingang Li, Hong Li*. Heat-integrated reactive distillation process for TAME synthesis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2014, 132: 468-478.
- [102] 102、Hong Li, Mingen Han, Xin Gao*, Xingang Li. Isobaric Vapor-liquid Equilibrium for Binary System of Cinnamaldehyde + Benzaldehyde at 10, 20 and 30 kPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 364: 62-66.
- [103] 103、Li Hong, Yao Yuebin, Wang Fangzhou, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Effect of liquid flow behaviour on performance of corrugated structured packing. CIESC Journal, 2014, 65(12): 4760-4766.
- [104] 104、Yao Yuebin, Li Hong, Li Xingang, Gao Xin*. Effect of layers and holes on performance of wire mesh packing. Modern Chemical Industry, 2014, 34(11): 127-131.
- [105] 105、Li Xingang, Liu Xia, Gao Xin, Tian Chong, Yang Zhenming, Zhang Jinsong, Li Hong. Hydrodynamics behaviour and mass transfer performance of novel SiC foam trays. Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology), 2014, 47(2): 155-162.
- [106] 106、Wang Chenchen, Gao Xin, Li Xingang, Li Hong, Xu Ningjin. Simulation study on gas flow field of foam SiC pulse structure packing. Modern Chemical Industry, 2014, 34(9): 155-160.
- [107] 107、Xin Gao, Xingang Li, Jinsong Zhang, Jiayan Sun, Hong Li*. Influence of a microwave irradiation field on vapor-liquid equilibrium. Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 90: 213-220.
- [108] 108、Hui Zhang, Xingang Li, Xin Gao*, Hong Li*. A Method for Modelling Catalytic Distillation Process Based on Seepage Catalytic Packing Internal. Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 101: 699-711.
- [109] 109、Luhong Zhang, Xuekuan Liu, Xingang Li, Xin Gao, Hong Sui, Jingsong Zhang, Zhenming Yang, Chong Tian, Hong Li*, A novel SiC foam valve tray for distillation columns. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013, 21(8): 821-826.
- [110] 110、Gao Xin, Li Xingang, Wei Na, Li Hong, Zhang Jingsong, Wang Lei. Applications of porous media foam materials on distillation process. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2013, 32(6): 1313-1319.
- [111] 111、Sun Xiaoyu, Li Hong, Gao Xin*, Li Xingang. Stereo graphical method for feasibility analysis of reactive distillation. Modern Chemical Industry, 2013, 33(9): 96-99.
- [112] 112、Liu Yiming, Gao Xin, Li Hong, Li Xingang. Research progress in development of adsorbents in the producing biomass-based fuel ethanol. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2013, 32(10): 2336-2342.
- [113] 113、Xin Gao, Xingang Li, Rui Zhang, Hong Li*, Pressure drop models of seepage catalytic packing internal for catalytic distillation column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(21): 7447-7452.
- [114] 114、Xingang Li, Hui Zhang, Xin Gao*, Rui Zhang, Hong Li*. Hydrodynamic Simulations of Seepage Catalytic Packing Internal for Catalytic Distillation Column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(43): 14236-14264.
- [115] 115、Xingang Li, Guohua Gao, Luhong Zhang*, Hong Sui, Hong Li, Xin Gao, Zhengming Yang, Chong Tian, Jinsong Zhang. Multiscale Simulation and Experimental Study of Novel SiC Structured Packings. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(2): 915-924.
- [116] 116、Liu Xia, Li Hong, Gao Xin*, Li Xin, Wang Lei, Duan Hong, Li Xingang. Research progress of foam SiC ceramic materials. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2012, 31(11): 2520-2525.
- [117] 117、Zeng Jing, Gao Xin, Li Hong, Tian Cong, Yang Zhenming, Zhang Jinsong, Li Xingang. Hydrodynamic and mass transfer efficiency of foam SiC ceramic structured packing. Modern Chemical Industry, 2012, 32(10): 70-73.
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- Books
- [1] Energy Saving and Intensification Technologies for Distillation Process
- [2] Chemical Process Intensification Methods and Technologies
- Patents
- [1] Method and apparatus of absorption-distillation for the separation of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide mixture
- [2] Apparatus and method for adsorbing and recovering ethylene ethylbenzene by refinery dry gas pressure swing
- [3] A Method and apparatus for Extracting Oil and Sand from Atmospheric Decompression and Dry Distillation
- [4] Production Method and Device for Hydrogenation of Methyl Acetate to Ethanol
- [5] Method and apparatus for recovering high purity butanol from dehydration of butanol
- [6] A method for extracting homoparaffin from methanol synthetic oil
- [7] Reactive Distillation Method and Device for Ethanol Production by Methyl Acetate Hydrogenation
- [8] Reactive Distillation Method and Device for Synthesis of Butyraldehyde by Low Pressure Carbonylation
- [9] Method and apparatus of flash-distillation for the separation of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide mixture
- [10] A kind of refining equipment and method for combined distillation and pyrolysis of oil sands
- Teaching
- No content