School of Earth System Science
Building No.16, Tianjin University, 92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China,
HAN Xiaokun, associate professor, is working in School of Earth System Science, Tianjin University, China. He received the Ph.D degree from Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017. His research interests are multiple-sulfur, oxygen and carbon isotopes in soil, water and aerosol. He has published 10 papers in Environmental Science & Technology, JGR-atmospheres, Environmental Pollution and Scientific Reports, etc.
- Doctoral degree| University of Chinese Academy of Sciences| 2017
- multiple sulfur and oxygen isotopes
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地球系统科学学院 | 天津大学 | 副研究员  -
School of Earth System Science (Institute of Surface-Earth System Science) | Tianjin University | Lecturer 
- Papers
- [1] 乔曼容,郎赟超,韩晓昆*,剌伟,丁虎, 刘丛强. 2024. 滨海湿地沉积物中不同形态无机硫分布特征及其影响因素.生态学杂志,
- [2] Liu, M., Han, X., Guo, L., Ding, H., Lang, Y. *2024. Effects of Cu (II)-DOM complexation on DOM degradation: Insights from spectroscopic evidence. Science of The Total Environment, 921, 170928.
- [3] Han, X., Dong, X., Liu, C. Q., Wei, R., Lang, Y., Strauss, H., Guo, Q.* 2023. Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Evidence for Sulfate Formation in Haze Pollution. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(49), 20647-20656.
- [4] Liu, M., Han, X., Guo, L., Ding, H., Hua, H., Liu, C. Q., La, W., Lang, Y.* 2023. Role of molecular weight-dependent spectral properties in regulating Cu (II) binding by dissolved organic matter from different sources. Science of The Total Environment, 873, 162246.
- [5] 李伟业,丁虎,韩晓昆,刘铭轩,剌伟,徐爱喆, 郎赟超*.2023.渤海湾西岸入海河流中有机碳来源及其影响因素分析.地球与环境(02),185-195.doi:10.14050/j.cnki.1672-9250.2022.50.042.
- [6] Enhanced sulfide oxidation by monsoon rainfall in a small typical karstic catchment of Southwest China
- [7] La, W., Han, X., Liu, C. Q., Ding, H., Liu, M., Sun, F.,Li, S., Lang, Y.* 2022. Sulfate concentrations affect sulfate reduction pathways and methane consumption in coastal wetlands. Water Research, 217, 118441.
- [8] 郎赟超,丁虎,韩晓昆,剌伟,刘丛强*.2022.地球系统科学观下的滨海湿地生态系统保护和恢复科学.中国科学基金(03),376-382.doi:10.16262/j.cnki.1000-8217.2022.03.005.
- [9] Han, X., Lang, Y.*, Guo, Q., Li, X., Ding, H., Li, S. 2022. Enhanced oxidation of SO2 by H2O2 during haze events: Constraints from sulfur isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(13), e2022JD036960.
- [10] 徐爱喆,韩晓昆,刘铭轩,Guo Laodong,剌伟,丁虎,郭庆军,郎赟超*.2022.渤海湾两条河流及其近岸海域水体中DOM的光谱特征及影响因素.地球与环境(04),526-536.doi:10.14050/j.cnki.1672-9250.2022.50.006.
- [11] Temporal and spatial variations in stable isotopic compositions of precipitation during the typhoon Lekima (2019), China
- [12] Liu, M., Han, X., Liu, C. Q., Guo, L., Ding, H., Lang, Y.* 2021. Differences in the spectroscopic characteristics of wetland dissolved organic matter binding with Fe3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Cr3+ and Zn2+. Science of The Total Environment, 800, 149476.
- [13] The abatement of acid rain in Guizhou province, southwestern China: implication from sulfur and oxygen isotopes
- [14] Seasonal and long-term trends of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium in PM2.5 in Beijing: implication for air pollution control
- [15] Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on sources and formation processes of sulfate in Beijing PM2.5 aerosol
- [16] Effect of the pollution control measures on PM2.5 during the 2015 China Victory Day Parade: Implication from water-soluble ions and sulfur isotope
- [17] Using stable isotopes to trace sources and formation processes of sulfate aerosols from Beijing, China