School of Electrical and Information Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Room 527, Building 26 E, Tianjin University, NO. 92, Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
Yongli Li was born in Hebei Province of China. She received the B.S. degree and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tianjin University in 1984 and 1987, respectively. In1993, she received the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Universite Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium.
She is currently a Professor of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering in Tianjin University and she is also a member of CIGRE SC-B5. Her research interests include fault analysis of power system, protection and adaptive reclosing of EHV/UHV AC/DC transmission system, protection and control of the microgrid and the distribution network, on-line monitoring and diagnosis technology of hidden failure of protection system.
- Doctor Degree| The Free University of Brussels| Electrical Engineering| 1993
- Master Degree | Tianjin University| Power System and Its Automation| 1987
- Bachelor Degree| Tianjin University| Power System and Its Automation| 1984
- On-line Monitoring and Diagnosis Technology of Hidden Failure of Protection System
- Fault Analysis, Protection and Control for Distribution Network with Distributed Generators
- Protection and Control of Hybrid High-Voltage AC/DC Power Grids
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School of Electrical and Information Engineering | Tianjin University  -
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering | Tianjin University  -
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering | Tianjin University  -
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering | Tianjin University 
- Papers
- [1] Yongli Li, Shuo Zhang, Botong Li, Yongchang Zhai, Weiya Zhang, Yao Nie: A Fault Location Method Based on Genetic Algorithm for High-voltage Direct Current Transmission Line. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 22(6): 866-878 (2012).
- [2] Weiya Zhang, Yongli Li, Xiaoyong Chang: Dynamical Investigation and Parameter Stability Region Analysis of a Flywheel Energy Storage System in Charging Mode, Chinese Physics B, 22(9): 1-14 (2013).
- [3] Weiya Zhang, Yongli Li: Singular Perturbation Theory-Based Qualitative Dynamics Investigation of Flywheel Energy Storage System in Discharge Mode, Journal of Applied Mathematics (2014).
- [4] Xiaolong Chen, Yongli Li: A nondestructive islanding detection method based on adaptive and periodic disturbance on reactive power output of inverter-based distributed generation. Journal of Applied Mathematics (2014).
- [5] Xiaolong Chen, Yongli Li: An islanding detection algorithm for inverter-based distributed generation based on reactive power control. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 29(9): 4672-4683 (2014).
- [6] Xiaoyong Chang, Yongli Li, Weiya Zhang, Nang Wang, Wei Xue: Active Disturbance Rejection Control for a Flywheel Energy Storage System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(2): 991-1001 (2015).
- [7] Xiaolong Chen, Yongli Li: An islanding detection method for inverter-based distributed generators based on the reactive power disturbance. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 31(5): 3559-3574 (2016).
- [8] Guangyu Sun, Yongli Li, Wei Jin, Lizhi Bu: A Nonlinear Three-Phase Phase-locked Loop Based on Linear Active DisturbanceRejection Controller. IEEE Access, 5: 21548 - 21556 (2017).
- [9] Wei Jin, Yongli Li, Guangyu Sun, Lizhi Bu: H∞ Repetitive Control Based on Active Dampingwith Reduced Computation Delay for LCL-TypeGrid-Connected Inverters. Energies, 10(5): 1-19 (2017).
- [10] Xiaoyong Chang, Yongli Li, Xuan Li, Xiaolong Chen: An Active Damping M ethod Based on aSupercapacitor Energy Storage System to Overcomethe Destabilizing Effect of Instantaneous ConstantPower Loads in DC Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 32(1): 36-47 (2017).
- Books
- [1] Jiali He, Yongli Li. Protection Scheme and Practical Technology for Power System. China Electric Power Press, 2009.
- [2] Jiali He, Yongli Li, Xinzhou Dong ,Bin Li. Protection Scheme for Power System. China Electric Power Press, 2010.
- Patents
- [1] Yongli Li, Botong Li. Control method of constant voltage discharge in flywheel energy storage system. Authorized number: 2011100339017, authorized date: 22 January 2013.
- [2] Yongli Li, Botong Li. Voltage accelerated anti-time overcurrent protection method for micro-grid. Authorized number: 201110210267X, authorized date: 24 September 2013.
- [3] Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen. An islanding detection method in micro-grid. Authorized number: 2012103195163, authorized date: 15 October 2014.
- [4] Yongli Li, Weiya Zhang, Xiaoyong Chang, Nan Wang. A discharge depth control method for a flywheel energy storage system connected to a DC micro-grid. Authorized number: 2013104661634, authorized date: 19 August 2015.
- [5] Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen. A non-destructive islanding detection method based on adaptive reactive power disturbance in micro-grid. Authorized number: 2013103911488, authorized date: 19 August 2015.
- [6] Yongli Li, Weiya Zhang, Guangyu Sun, Wei Jin, Xiaoye Li. A method of voltage unbalance suppression for common bus in micro-grid. Authorized number: 201310722247X, authorized date: 4 May 2016.
- [7] Yongli Li, Wei Jin, Weiya Zhang, Guangyu Sun, Xiaoye Li. A synchronization and closing method to avoid the inrush current for three-phase grid-connected voltage-source-inverters. Authorized number: 2014104309141, authorized date: 4 May 2016.
- [8] Yongli Li, Weiya Zhang. A method of restraining voltage fluctuation and harmonic distortion in distribution network with static synchronous compensator. Authorized number: 2014101456098, authorized date: 25 May 2016.
- [9] Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen, Yongjun Xu, etc. An action matching strategy for the protection and control of 110kV substations adapted to DG access. Authorized number: 201410494188X, authorized date: 15 February 2017.
- [10] Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen. A protection scheme for DG distribution network. Authorized number: 2014103310531, authorized date: 15 February 2017.
- [11] Yongli Li, Xiaolong Chen. An islanding detection method for micro-grid with multiple inverter distributed power sources. Authorized number: 2015100327427, authorized date: 20 June 2017.
- [12] Yongli Li, Xingwei Liu. An improved longitudinal differential protection scheme for the T type of inverter-distributed generation. Authorized number: 2015101444540, authorized date: 19 September 2017.
- Teaching
- No content
- Honors & Awards
- [1] My Excellent Teacher in Tianjin University (2010)
- [2] Award for Patents in China Southern Power Grid, Third Prize (2010)
- [3] Award for Scientific and Technological progress in China Southern Power Grid, Second Prize (2010)
- [4] Outstanding Teacher in Tianjin (2011)
- [5] Award for Scientific and Technological progress in Tianjin, Third Prize (2006)
- [6] Award for Technological Invention in Tianjin, First Prize (2010)
- [7] Award for Technological Invention in Tianjin, First Prize (2017)