School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering
Associate professor
Current position: 刘瑾 ( Liu Jin ) > Academic Achievements > Selected Papers
Affiliation of Author(s):Tianjin University
Teaching and Research Group:Bio optics and Applied Spectroscopy Laboratory
Journal:Proc. SPIE, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics VII
Place of Publication:America
Funded by:New Hemanalysis Instrument-Noninvasive Blood Glucose Detector(新型血液分析仪器—无创血糖检测仪)
Key Words:photoplethysmography;blood hemoglobin concentration’s (BHC) measurement;optimum pathlength
Abstract:The blood hemoglobin concentration’s (BHC) measurement using Photoplethysmography (PPG), which gets blood absorption to near infrared light from the instantaneous pulse of transmitted light intensity, has not been applied to the clinical use due to the non-enough precision. The main challenge might be caused of the non-enough stable pulse signal when it’s very weak and it often varies in different human bodies or in the same body with different physiological states.
We evaluated the detection limit of BHC using PPG as the measurement precision level, which can be considered as a
best precision
All the Authors:Sun Di、Guo Chao、Zhang Ziyang、Han Tongshuai、Liu Jin
First Author:Sun Di
Indexed by:Applied Research
Correspondence Author:Liu Jin
ISSN No.:0277-786X
Translation or Not:no