Liu Jin


School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering

Professional Title

Associate professor

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Selected Papers

Current position: 刘瑾 ( Liu Jin ) > Academic Achievements > Selected Papers

Specialized source-detector separations in near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy platform enable effective separation of diffusion and absorption for glucose sensing


Journal:Biomedical Optics Express

Abstract:We present an approach for accurate glucose sensing in turbid media using a spectrally resolved reflectance setup. Our proposed reflectance setup uses specialized source-detector separations (SDSs) to enable an effective separation of diffusion and absorption signals. Additionally, we adjust the selected SDSs to their optimal values to acquire maximum sensitivity to glucose in the two signals. The separation can help to enhance the sensitivity to glucose both for the diffusion and absorption signals, as they always suppress each other by causing opposite effects on the reflected diffuse light

First Author:Liu Jin

Indexed by:Applied Research

Correspondence Author:Xu Kexin



Translation or Not:no

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