Ma Xinbin

School of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Professional Title


Administrative Appointments

Vice President of Tianjin University

Contact Information



No.135 Yaguan Road, Haihe Education Park, Tianjin


Brief Introduction

Professor Xinbin Ma is the Vice President of Tianjin University, and the Director of Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Technology of Ministry of Education in China. He is also the deputy head of expert team for the National Key R&D Program of China on clean coal technologies.

Prof. Ma obtained his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Tianjin University in 1996. His research interest encompasses the efficient utilization of syngas and CCUS, with particular emphasis on conversion of syngas or CO2 to oxygenated compounds, like ethylene glycol, ethanol, and organic carbonates. He has been involved in studies from catalysts rational design to industrial scale-up. He has co-authored over 300 SCI papers in prestigious journals. With 34 Chinese patents and 7 international patents granted, Prof. Ma owns a series of technologies of independent intellectual property rights to synthesize glycol/ethanol from syngas, which has been successfully applied in the industry.

He has also been awarded National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2013. He is the associate editor of Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. and he is reported by Elsevier as one of the most cited Chinese researchers in the field of Chemical Engineering during 2014~2021.

Education Background
  • Ph.D.| Tianjin University| Chemical Technology| 1996
  • M. S.| Tianjin University| Chemical Technology| 1993
  • B. S.| Tianjin University| Chemical Engineering| 1990
Research Interests
  • C1 Chemistry & Technology
  • Green Chemistry
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
Positions & Employments
  • 2004.7-2019.12

     School of Chemical Engineering & Technology | Professor 
  • 1998.12-2014.6

     School of Chemical Engineering & Technology | Associate Professor 
  • 1995.7-1998.11

     School of Chemical Engineering & Technology | Lecturer 
  • 1993.3-1995.6

     School of Chemical & Technology | Teaching Assistant 
Academic Achievements