Sun Xinchao

School of Earth System Science

Professional Title


Contact Information

Rm 324, Building No.16

Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| University of Tsukuba, Japan| 2014
  • Master’s Degree| China Agricultural University| 2010
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Hebei Agricultural University| 2008
Research Interests
  • My interests lie in the interactions among water, biogeochemistry and ecosystems, particularly the regulation of fluxes of water, nutrients and elements between the plant and the atmosphere, the biosphere and the hydrosphere and the effect of human activities and climate change.
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Professional Membership
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Positions & Employments
  • 2016.7-Now

    Institute of Surface-Earth System Science | Tianjin University 
  • 2014.4-2016.3

    生命环境系 | 日本筑波大学 
Academic Achievements