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Hao Fu, Xia Xiao*, Jiantong Li, Yong Zong, Study on a Glucose Concentration Measurement System Based on Microwave Perturbation Technique, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 49(4),215-224, 2015. (SCI)


Title of Paper:Hao Fu, Xia Xiao*, Jiantong Li, Yong Zong, Study on a Glucose Concentration Measurement System Based on Microwave Perturbation Technique, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 49(4),215-224, 2015. (SCI)

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:袁庆, 肖夏,基于COM模型的伪正交频率编码反射栅频率间隔因子的分析和优化,压电与声光,38(2),328-332,2016.

Next One:Zhang Gengyu, Xia Xiao*,Nie Kaiming, Xu Jiangtao, Low-power three-stage amplifier using active-feedback miller capacitor and serial RC frequency compensation, Transactions of Tianjin University, 21(6): 515-523, 2015. (EI)