Xu Jia

School of Mechanical Engineering

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Brief Introduction

Independently complete "theoretical mechanics" and "Analytical Mechanics" teaching, the teaching effect is good, published 2 teaching papers. Participate in the construction of national excellent resource sharing courses "Engineering vibration and test" and "theoretical mechanics" and is a member of the two national high-quality resource sharing course. At present, I am a key member of the backbone course of theoretical mechanics, which is national excellent course and resource sharing course. Guidance undergraduate design 3 persons, was named as 2014 Tianjin university undergraduate graduate design outstanding instructor. There were 3 training programs for undergraduate students, including 1 national and 2 municipal levels. Studying the nonlinear dynamics and control problem of giant magnetostrictive actuator, piezoelectric actuator, shape memory alloy structure, ardiovascular stents for many years, as the main participants in the completion of key projects, such s the national science foundation of China, the ministry of education doctoral research fund project and the Tianjin municipal science and technology development program. Published more than 10 SCI papers in journal such as international journal of hydrogen energy, journal of applied physics, thin solid film, AIP advances, Chinese physics B.

Education Background
  • Bachelor’s Degree| 天津大学| 工程力学| 2003
  • Master’s Degree| 天津大学| 工程力学| 2005
  • Doctoral degree| 天津大学| 工程力学| 2008
Research Interests
  • Stochastic nonlinear dynimical theory and application
Positions & Employments
  • 2008.11-2019.12

    机械工程学院 | 天津大学 | 讲师 
Academic Achievements