Yu Xi


School of Science

Professional Title



Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics

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Selected Papers

Current position: Xi Yu homepage > Academic Achievements > Selected Papers

Fabrication of Reproducible, Integration‐Compatible Hybrid Molecular/Si Electronics



Abstract:Reproducible molecular junctions can be integrated within standard CMOS technology. Metal-molecule-semiconductor junctions are fabricated by direct Si-C binding of hexadecane or methyl-styrene onto oxide-free H-Si(111) surfaces, with the lateral size of the junctions defined by an etched SiO2 well and with evaporated Pb as the top contact. The current density, J, is highly reproducible with a standard deviation in log(J) of 0.2 over a junction diameter change from 3 to 100 μm. Reproducibility over such a large range indicates that transport is truly across the molecules and does not result fro

All the Authors:Xi Yu; Robert Lovrinčić; Olga Kraynis; Gabriel Man; Tal Ely; Arava Zohar; Tal Toledano; David Cahen; Ayelet Vilan

First Author:Xi Yu

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Correspondence Author:David Cahen


Page Number:5151

Translation or Not:no

CN No.:null