Zhang Zhiyun
School of Humanities and Arts
Professional Title
Administrative Appointments
Contact Information
Education Background
- Doctoral degree| 四川大学| 中国现当代文学| 2007
- Master’s Degree| 四川师范大学| 文艺学| 2004
- Bachelor’s Degree| 曲阜师范大学| 汉语言文学| 2000
Research Interests
- 中国现当代文学
- 中国现当代文学
Professional Membership
- 梁斌研究会会员
Positions & Employments
中文系 | 人文艺术学院 | 无 | 教师 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] 1)Zhang Zhiyun. A Dislocated Thought in Late Qing Dynasty- Comments on Wang Dewei’s “Repressed Modernity” in the Late Qing Dynasty:“New Novel Theory”. Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, 2006(4): 67-72.
- [2] 3)Zhang Zhiyun. Personality: the Narrating Focus behind the Story- the “Humanity” Decoding of Shen Congwen’s Border Town. Modern Chinese, 2008(12): 76-78.
- [3] 2)Zhang Zhiyun. The Cultural Criticism of Literature Criticism. Modern Literary Magazine, 2006(4): 48-50.
- [4] 3)Zhang Zhiyun. Personality: the Narrating Focus behind the Story- the “Humanity” Decoding of Shen Congwen’s Border Town. Modern Chinese, 2008(12): 76-78.
- [5] 2)Zhang Zhiyun. The Cultural Criticism of Literature Criticism. Modern Literary Magazine, 2006(4): 48-50.
- [6] 1)Zhang Zhiyun. A Dislocated Thought in Late Qing Dynasty- Comments on Wang Dewei’s “Repressed Modernity” in the Late Qing Dynasty:“New Novel Theory”. Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, 2006(4): 67-72.