Zheng Yelong

School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering

Professional Title


Contact Information


Brief Introduction

Name:   Zheng Yelong

M/F:   Male

Date of Birth:  03/03/1987

Nationality:  China

Major: Mechanical engineering

Address:  Tsinghua University, China

Education Background
  • Docter | Tianjin University| Instrument Science and Technology| 2015
  • Bachelor | China University of Petroleum (East China)| Measuring and Controlling Technology and Instrument| 2020
Research Interests
  • In Situ Simultaneous Measuring Forces Acted on Individual Legs of Water Striders
    We demonstrated a novel solution to in situ measure the forces acted on individual legs of water striders with a very high sensitivity by using their leg shadows. Three major contributions have been achieved.
Positions & Employments
  • 2017.8-2019.12

     Tianjin University | Lecturer 
  • 2015.7-2017.7

     Tsinghua University | Postdoctoral 
Academic Achievements