Bo Li(李博), Dayuan Zhang, Minfga Yao, Zhongshan Li. Strategy for single-shot CH3 imaging in premixed methane/air flames using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(2017)4487–4495.
上一条:Wubin Weng, Jesper Borggren, Bo Li(李博), Marcus Aldén, and Zhongshan Li. A novel multi-jet burner for hot flue gases of wide range of temperatures and compositions for optical diagnostics of solid fuels gasification/combustion. Review of Scientific Instruments, 88(2017)045104.
下一条:Bo Li*(李博), Dayuan Zhang, Xiaofeng Li, Mingfa Yao, Zhongshan Li. Strategy of interference-free atomic hydrogen detection in flames using femtosecond multi-photon laser-induced fluorescence. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(2017)3876-3880.