E. Baudoin, X.S. Bai, B. Yan, C. Liu, A. Lantz, S.M. Hosseini, B. Li(李博), A. Elbaz, M. Sami, Z.S. Li, R. Collin, G. Chen, L. Fuchs, M. Aldén, and M.S. Mansour, Effect of Partial Premixing on Stabilization and Local Extinction of Turbulent Methane/Air Flames, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 90(2013)269-284.
上一条:L.M. Verhoeven, M.H.A. Oliveira, A. Lantz, B. Li(李博), Z. Li, C.C.M. Luijten, J.A. Oijen, M. Aldén, and L.P.H. de Goey, Tar Conversion in Biogas by Partial Combustion: A Numerical and Experimental Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Laminar Diffusion Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(2013)1819-1826.
下一条:Xu Shen, Xiang Gao, Zhongshan Li, Bo Li(李博), Chenghang Zheng, Zhiwei Sun, Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen, Marcus Aldén, PLIF diagnostics of NO oxidization and OH consumption in pulsed corona discharge, Fuel, 102(2012)729-736.