Z.S. Li, Z.W. Sun, B. Li(李博), and M. Aldén, Spatially resolved trace detection of HCl in flames with mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy, Optics Letters, 33(2008)1836-1838.
上一条:B.B. Yan, B. Li(李博), E. Baudoin, C.Y. Liu, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, G. Chen, M. Mansour, Structures and Stabilization of Low Calorific Value Gas Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames in a Conical Burner,4th European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
下一条:Z.W. Sun, J. Kiefer, Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), and M. Alden, Four Wave Mixing with Non-Resonant pump and Resonant probe for OH Detection in Flames, Appl. Phys. B, 92(2008)287-293.