Z.S. Li, Z.W. Sun, B. Li(李博), M. Alden, Detection of HCl in a Premixed CH4/O2/Ar Flame Seeded with CHCl3 Using Mid-IR Polarization Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, (2008)222-226. (SCI)
上一条:B. Li(李博), E. Baudoin, R. Yu, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, and M.S. Mansour, Experimental and Numerical Study of a Conical Turbulent Partially Premixed Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32(2009)1811-1818.
下一条:Bo Li(李博), Bai Han, Xian-yi Lu, Hong-dong Li, Jian-Bo Wang, Zeng-Sun Jin, IR transmittance of large-sized free-standing transparent diamond films prepared by MWPCVD, New Carbon Materials, 23(2008):245-249.