Chen Xi
School of Earth System Science
Professional Title
Contact Information
Rm 602, Building No.16
Education Background
- 河海大学| 1999
- Bachelor’s Degree| 河海大学| 1984
- Master’s Degree| 河海大学| 1990
Research Interests
- Hydrology; Numerical simulation of groundwater; Surface and groundwater interaction
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Positions & Employments
 天津大学  -
 河海大学  -
 University of Nebraska-Lincoln  -
 香港中文大学  -
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Qiu, N., Chen, X.*, Hu, Q., Liu, J., Huang, R., Gao, M., 2018. Hydro-stochastic interpolation coupling with the Budyko approach for prediction of mean annual runoff. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.
- [2] Zhicai Zhang, Xi Chen*, Anas Ghadouani, Peng Shi. Modelling hydrological processes influenced by soil, rock and vegetation in a small karst basin of southwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2011, 25(15): 2456-2470.
- [3] Chen Xi*, Yuanyang Huang, Minhua Ling, Qi Hu, Bo Liu, Numerical modeling groundwater recharge and its implication in water cycles of two interdunal valleys in the Sand Hills of Nebraska, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2012, Parts A/B/C, 53: 10-18.
- [4] Chen Xi*, Ling Min-hua, Zhou Qiu, Zhang Zhi-cai, Cheng Qin-bo, Numerical modeling the role of rubber dams on groundwater recharge and phreatic evaporation loss in riparian zones, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 65(1): 345-352.
- [5] Chen Xi*, Zhang Yan-fang, Xue Xianwu, Zhang Zhicai, Wei Lingna, Estimation of baseflow recession constants and effective hydraulic parameters in the karst basins of southwest China, Hydrology Research, 2012, 43(1-2):102-112.
- [6] Liu Jintao, Chen Xi*, Wu Jichun, Zhang Xingnan, Feng Dezeng, Xu Chongyu. Grid parameterization of a conceptual distributed hydrological model through integration of a sub-grid topographic index: necessity and practicability, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2012, 57(2): 282-297.
- [7] Liu Jintao, Chen Xi*, Zhang Xingnan, Kyle D. Hoagland. Grid digital elevation model based algorithms for determination of hillslope width functions through flow distance transforms, Water Resour. Res., 2012, 48(4): 502-504.
- [8] Zhang Zhicai, Chen Xi*, Shi Peng, Ou Geng-xin. Study of canopy transpiration based on a distributed hydrology model in a small karst watershed of southwest China, Carbonates Evaporites, 2013, 28:111-117.
- [9] Zhang Zhicai, Chen Xi*, Huang Yuanyang, Zhang Yanfang, Effect of catchment properties on runoff coefficient in a karst area of southwest China, Hydrological Processes, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9920.
- [10] Chen Xi, Zhang Yanfang, Zhou Yanyu et al, 2013. Analysis of hydrogeological parameters and numerical modeling groundwater in a karst watershed, southwest China, Carbonates Evaporites, 2013, 28:89-94.
- [11] Zhang Zhicai, Chen Xi*, Chen Xunhong, Shi Peng. Quantifying time lag of epikarst-spring hydrograph response to rainfall using correlation and spectral analyses, Hydrogeology Journal, 2013, 21(7):1619-1631.
- [12] Liu Jintao, Chen Xi*, H. Lin, H. Liu, H. Song. A simple geomorphic-based analytical model for predicting the spatial distribution of soil thickness in headwater hillslopes and catchments, Water Resour. Res., 2013, 49(11): 7733-7746.
- [13] Zhang Zhicai, Chen Xi*, Huang Yuanyang, Zhang Yanfang. Effect of catchment properties on runoff coefficient in a karst area of southwest China, Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28(14):3691-3702.
- [14] Shi Peng, Qiao Xueyuan, Chen Xi*, Zhou Mi, Qu Simin, Ma Xinxin, Zhang Zhicai. Spatial distribution and temporal trends in daily and monthly precipitation concentration indices in the upper reaches of the Huai River, China, Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess,, 2014, 28(2):201-212.
- [15] Cheng Qinbo, Chen Xi*, Xu Chongyu, Christian Reinhardt-Imjela, Achim Schulte; Improvement and comparison of likelihood functions for model calibration and parameter uncertainty analysis within a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme, Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519(519):2202-2214.
- [16] Zhang Runrun, Chen Xi*, Zhang Zhicai, Shi Peng. Evolution of hydrological drought under the regulation of two reservoirs in the headwater basin of the Huaihe River, China, Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 2015, 29(2):487-499.
- [17] Cheng Qinbo, Christian Reinhardt-Imjela, Chen Xi*, Achim Schulte, Ji Xiang, Li Fulin. Improvement and comparison of the rainfall-runoff methods in SWAT at the monsoonal watershed of Baocun, Eastern China, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2015.
- [18] Huang Yuanyang, Xunhong Chen, Xi*, Chen, Gengxin Ou. Transmission losses during two flood events in the Platte River, south-central Nebraska, Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 520:244–253.
- [19] Zhang Runrun, Xi Chen*, Qinbo Cheng, Zhicai Zhang, Peng Shi. Joint probability of precipitation and reservoir storage for drought estimation in the headwater basin of the Huaihe River, China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2016, 30: 1641-1657.
- [20] Zengxin Zhang, Xi Chen*, Chong-Yu Xu, Lifeng Yuan, Bin Yong, Shaofeng Yan, Evaluating the non-stationary relationship between precipitation and streamflow in nine major basins of China during the past 50 years, Journal of Hydrology, 2011,409:81-93.
- [21] Gao Man, Chen Xi*, Liu Jintao, Zhang Zhicai, Cheng Qin-bo; Using two parallel linear reservoirs to express multiple relations of power-law recession curves, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2017, 22(7): 0-04017013.
- [22] Zhang, Z., Chen, X.*, Soulsby, C. Catchment‐scale conceptual modelling of water and solute transport in the dual flow system of the karst critical zone. Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31(19), 3421-3436.
- [23] Cheng, Q.B., Chen, X., Cheng, D.D., Wu, Y.Y., Xie, Y.Y., 2018. Improved inverse modeling by separating model structural and observational errors. Water, 10(9), 1151.
- [24] Cheng, Q.B., Chen, X., Wang, J., Zhang, Z.C., Zhang, R.R., Xie, Y.Y., Reinhardt-Imjela, C., Schulte, A., 2018. The use of river flow discharge and sediment load for multi-objective calibration of SWAT based on the Bayesian inference. Water, 2018, 10(11): 1662.
- [25] Zhang, R., Chen, X.*, Zhang, Z., Soulsby, C., Gao, M. How can streamflow and climate-landscape data be used to estimate baseflow mean response time? Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 557: 916-930.
- [26] Cheng, Q.B., Chen, X., Xu, C.Y., Zhang, Z.C., Reinhardt-Imjela, C., Schulte, A., 2018. Using maximum likelihood to derive various distance-based goodness-of-fit indicators for hydrologic modeling assessment. Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess.
- [27] Gao Man, Chen Xi*, Liu Jintao, Zhang Zhicai; Regionalization of annual runoff characteristics and its indication of co-dependence among hydro-climate-landscape factors in Jinghe River Basin, China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2018, 32(6): 1613-1630.
- [28] Chen, X., Zhang, Z., Soulsby, C., Cheng, Q., Binley, A., Jiang, R., Tao, M. (2018). Characterizing the heterogeneity of karst critical zone and its hydrological function: an integrated approach. Hydrological Processes, 32(19), 2932-2946.
- [29] Xiao, L., Chen, X.*, Zhang, R., Zhang, Z. Spatiotemporal evolution of droughts and their teleconnections with large-scale climate indices over Guizhou Province in Southwest China. Water, 2019, 11(10): 2104.
- [30] Huang, R., Chen, X.*, Hu, Q., 2019. Changes in vegetation and surface water balance at basin-scale in Central China with rising atmospheric CO2. Climatic Change, 2019, 155(3): 437-454.
- [31] Qinbo Cheng; Xi Chen*; Min Tao; Andrew Binley*; Characterization of karst structures using quasi-3D electrical resistivity tomography, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(9).
- [32] Zhang, Z., Chen, X.*, Cheng, Q., Soulsby, C. Storage dynamics, hydrological connectivity and flux ages in a karst catchment: conceptual modelling using stable isotopes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019, 23(1), 51-71.
- [33] Rao W, Chen X., Meredith KT, Tan H, Gao M, Liu J. Water uptake of riparian plants in the lower Lhasa River Basin, South Tibetan Plateau using stable water isotopes. Hydrological Processes. 2020, 34:3492–3505.
- [34] Wang, Jiarong; Chen, Xi*; Hu, Qi; Liu, Jintao; Responses of terrestrial water storage to climate variation in the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 584, 124652.
- [35] Zhang Runrun; Chen Xi*; Zhang Zhicai; Soulsby Chris; Using hysteretic behaviour and hydrograph classification to identify hydrological function across the “hillslope–depression–stream” continuum in a karst catchment, Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34(16): 3464-3480.
- [36] Zhang Zhicai*; Chen Xi; Li Siliang; Yue Fujun; Cheng Qinbo; Peng Tao; Soulsby Chris; Linking nitrate dynamics to water age in underground conduit flows in a karst catchment, Journal of Hydrology, 2020: 125699.
- [37] Zhang Zhicai; Chen Xi*; Cheng Qinbo; Li Siliang; Yue Fujun; Peng Tao; Soulsby Chris; Coupled hydrological and biogeochemical modelling of nitrogen transport in the karst critical zone. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 732: 138902.
- [38] Zhang Zhicai*; Chen Xi; Cheng Qinbo; Soulsby Chris; Characterizing the variability of transit time distributions and young water fractions in karst catchments using flux tracking, Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34(15): 3156-3174.
- [39] Jiang Shanshan; Chen Xi*; Keith Smettem, Wang Tiejun; 2020, Climate and land use influences on changing spatiotemporal patterns of mountain vegetation cover in southwest China, Ecological Indicators, 2021, 121: 107193.
- [40] Tan Hongbing*; Chen Xi*; Shi Dongping; Rao Wenbo; Liu Jing; Liu Jintao; Christopher J. Eastoe; Wang Jiarong; Base flow in the Yarlungzangbo River, Tibet, maintained by the isotopically-depleted precipitation and groundwater discharge, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 759, 143510.
- [41] Wang, Jiarong, Chen, Xi*, Liu, Jintao, Hu, Qi. Changes of precipitation-runoff relationship induced by climate variation in a large glaciated basin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 126, e2020JD034367.
- [42] Gao Man, Chen Xi*, Wang Jiarong, Chris Soulsby, Cheng Qinbo; Climate and landscape controls on spatio-temporal patterns of stream water stable isotopes in a large glacierized mountain basin on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 771: 144799.
- [43] Sun, Y., Chen, X.*, Yang, L. Modeling Groundwater-Fed Irrigation and Its Impact on Streamflow and Groundwater Depth in an Agricultural Area of Huaihe River Basin, China. Water, 2021, 13(16), 2220.
- [44] Tao, M., Chen, X.*, Cheng, Q., Binley, A. Evaluating the joint use of GPR and ERT on mapping shallow subsurface features of karst critical zone in southwest China. Vadose Zone Journal, 2021.
- [45] Lianbin Cai, Xi Chen*, Richao Huang, Keith Smettem, Runoff change induced by vegetation recovery and climate change over carbonate and non-carbonate areas in the karst region of South-west China, 2021, J. of Hydrology.
- [46] Shanshan Jiang, Xi Chen, Richao Huang, Tiejun Wang, Keith Smettem. Effect of the altitudinal climate change on growing season length for deciduous broadleaved forest in southwest China. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 828: 154306.
- [47] Gao Man, Chen Xi*, Shailesh Singh, Wei lingna; An improved method to estimate the rate of change of streamflow recession and related basin-scale parameters from hydrographs. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 604: 127254.
- Books
- [1] 陈喜, 程勤波, 张志才. 饱和-非饱和水流数值模拟,中国水利水电出版社,2010.
- [2] 陈喜, 张志才, 容丽, 束龙仓, 阎长虹, 苏维词, 石朋. 西南喀斯特地区水循环过程及其水文生态效应, 科学出版社, 2014.
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- Honors & Awards