Chandra Mouli Pavuluri


School of Earth System Science

Professional Title



Atmospheric & Environmental

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ZHAO Xiaomai

Name of Research Group:Atmospheric and Environmental

Description of Research Group:Current members:
•Dr. XU Zhanjie
 Lecturer, Isotope geochemistry of atmospheric aerosols
•Ms. LI Peisen
 Ph.D. student, Secondary formation and transformations of dicarboxylic acids and related compounds
•Ms. DONG Zhichao
 M.S. Student, Optical properties of water-soluble organic aerosols
•Mr. ZHAO Xueyan
 M.S. Student, Fossil and non-fossil carbon apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols
•Ms. ZHAO Xiaomai
 M.S. Student, Studies on atmospheric organic aerosols
Alumni: Dr Subba Rao Devineni; Ms. Wang Shuang; Ms. Wang Yu